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Connected in Client but not over VPN II

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Hello Airvpn,

my case is similar to that one here: https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=2&id=6633&Itemid=142

BUT: I can connect to one of the servers. That is fine. If I disconnect that one and try to connect to another one the client tells me I am connected, but if I check this (for example via airvpn-site) the site tells me I am not. If I disconnect the second one and reconnect to the first one, everything is fine again.

DHCP service is enabled. Uninstalled, reinstalled OpenVPN 2.3.0. Issue still there.

After restarting my system issue still there.

I run W7Pro64.

Thanks for your help.



My airvpn log:


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It appears that occasionally the TUN/TAP interface does not come up (probably when the problem occurs). Please try to disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP on the TAP-Win32 Adapter interface ("Properties"->"Internet Protocol TCP/IPv4"->"Properties"->"Advanced"->"WINS", finally select "Disable NetBIOS on TCP/IP" and apply the changes).

Kind regards

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disabled "NetBIOS over tcp". But still same issue. :(

Any suggestions?



As an extreme solution, when the problem occurs, please exit the Air client, reset the winsock catalog and the TCP/IP stack and re-launch the Air client. In order to perform the reset, please open a command prompt or the PowerShell with administrator privileges and type the commands:

netsh winsock reset (press ENTER)

netsh int ip reset reset.log (press ENTER)

Check the reset.log file for any error.

Please note that the above commands will terminate all connections so do not issue them if you can't afford to lose established connections, do that only when a Internet reset does not harm your Internet operations (file transfers etc.).

Kind regards

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Ok, seems I found the reason: There was another vpn software installed. Since I deinstalled that I have no probs connecting to all air servers.

I think now I need a good OpenVPN client to manage all my VPNs because I need the other connection anyway.

Can you recommend a good one?




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