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ANSWERED Can't connect to multiple servers

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I'm using glueten and it won't connect to phoenix or LA. I've tried both wireguard and openvpn.

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2 hours ago, shades228 said:

I'm using glueten and it won't connect to phoenix or LA. I've tried both wireguard and openvpn.


Please check the proper environment variables to have GlueTun connect to the server(s) you wish, then gather the log of a connection failure. Compare it with the log of a connection attempted from the host (no containers) to understand whether the problem is GlueTun specific or your machine/network generic. If in doubt publish both logs and make sure you have read the whole GlueTun documentation. If you need support directly from AirVPN support team do not hesitate to open a ticket.

Kind regards

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Well it appears that the issue is the gluetun servers.json is not getting the current list of airvpn servers.

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6 hours ago, shades228 said:

Well it appears that the issue is the gluetun servers.json is not getting the current list of airvpn servers.


The file is relatively up to date and should suit your needs:

Unfortunately it's all "hard coded" so the file must be edited manually for any update or you need to wait for a new release. For additional details please contact GlueTun author and/or community.

Kind regards

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The issue was the unraid container was using a default path that was wrong. Once I updated it, it then merged them correctly. This has been resolved. Thank you

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