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Goldcrest cant recover network after restart

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Hi, I'm using goldcrest to connect to airvpn on my raspberry pi. After a restart, I cant use goldcrest --recover-network and get the following error

Goldcrest - AirVPN Bluetit Client 1.3.0 - 1 June 2023

2025-02-25 17:51:52 Reading run control directives from file /root/.goldcrest.rc
2025-02-25 17:51:52 DBusConnectorException: DBusConnector: request name error "org.airvpn.client" - Connection ":1.33" is not allowed to own the service "org.airvpn.client" due to security policies in the configuration file

I found a few other similar posts to mine which recommended to add my user to the group airvpn, but I've already done this and rebooted the pi and this still happens. I've tried running the goldcrest --recover-network both as pi and as root. I'm trying to set up my pi to connect to airvpn automatically but it's not reliable because of this issue when the pi is rebooted unexpectedly. Any help would be much appreciated

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