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ANSWERED Slow Speeds With Airvpn compared to Mullvad

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I decided to make the switch from Mullvad to Airvpn because of port forwarding support. However, I am seeing greatly reduced speeds. I have gigabit fiber internet and with Mullvad I get expected speeds (https://www.speedtest.net/result/16029696319) but with Airvpn, my speeds are much slower (https://www.speedtest.net/result/16029743807). I looked around on the forums and I saw people saying they were getting 700Mb up/down so I was wondering if I set something up incorrectly. I tried different servers in different locations but I don't seem to be getting any improvemnts. I am also using the Eddie UI. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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3 hours ago, FriedTofu527 said:

make the switch from Mullvad to Airvpn because of port forwarding support

Hello and welcome aboard!
3 hours ago, FriedTofu527 said:

I looked around on the forums and I saw people saying they were getting 700Mb up/down so I was wondering if I set something up incorrectly.

Yes, as you can also see from the top users "speed" 700 Mbit/s is not unusual in AirVPN, but mainly with WireGuard and not OpenVPN. The best performance so far obtained in the infrastructure is around 1.1 Gbit/s on ideal conditions (no traffic shaping by ISP, good peering, at least 2.2 Gbit/s free on the server), with WireGuard and its interface MTU varying from 1320 to 1420 bytes.

Perhaps you are comparing WireGuard with OpenVPN. Please switch to WireGuard to make a comparison on a level playing field. We share a lot of common providers and similar hardware, but not all, so please make sure that you test various servers in various locations in order to maximize the likelihood of good peering between your ISP transit provider and ours. For a more specific support please specify your Operating System name and version.

If you run Eddie Desktop edition you can switch to WireGuard in the following way:
  • from Eddie's main window select "Preferences" > "Protocols"
  • uncheck "Automatic"
  • select a line with WireGuard, for example WireGuard port 51820. The line will be highlighted
  • click "Save" and restart the connection to apply the change
Unfortunately Eddie 2.21.8 does not support MTU change for WireGuard, while this parameter is frequently crucial. If you don't get satisfactory performance you can try different MTU sizes with Eddie 2.24.x. Please see here to download it:

With Eddie 2.24.x you can change MTU in the Preferences > WireGuard window.

Kind regards

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12 hours ago, FriedTofu527 said:

Thanks for the response! I'm now getting faster speeds after downloading Wireguard and getting a config from the generator.


Excellent. The Configuration Generator puts the following directive in the wg .conf file:
MTU = 1320
while Eddie 2.21.8 doesn't (Eddie 2.23 and higher versions do).

It's possible that 1320 bytes is a better MTU for your network. You can now tweak this value in small increments (e.g. 1330, 1340...) to find the optimum MTU for performance. Each time you edit the wg.conf file (using any text editor), remember to stop and restart WireGuard for the change to take effect.

Kind regards

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