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Hello, i have established a connection with airvpn in pfsense. I cannot obtain connect-ability with a port forwarded on the airvpn website, nor is it working on my client. Can someone help me with this issue? 

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On 3/17/2024 at 7:54 PM, G7MdUkQht3n8c1d9 said:

Hello, i have established a connection with airvpn in pfsense. I cannot obtain connect-ability with a port forwarded on the airvpn website, nor is it working on my client. Can someone help me with this issue? 


On top of the previous message we have checked your account and please note that you forwarded only one UDP port. Please check: if your listening program expects TCP packets (too) you must forward accordingly. If necessary you can change the listening protocol from your remote inbound port panel. The Protocol combo box, which is available on each port, can be set back to TCP+UDP (default setting) anytime.

Kind regards

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Hello Staff, 

Thank you for the prompt initial response, and the follow up response. I set the port forward to "UDP only" in attempt to diagnose the issue.
I initially set up my port forwarding in PfSense with tcp + udp. It didn't work for ~6 hours, then suddenly started working, without changing any settings.
Should I wait when making changes?

Is there documentation that I could read before bothering you?
I am attempting to create a back up airvpn gateway in PfSense, I utilized this guide https://nguvu.org/pfsense/pfsense-multi-vpn-wan/. Could this be creating an issue?
I also deny remote DNS Servers and only allow local dns resolution. Could this be causing an issue? 

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3 hours ago, G7MdUkQht3n8c1d9 said:

I initially set up my port forwarding in PfSense with tcp + udp. It didn't work for ~6 hours, then suddenly started working, without changing any settings.
Should I wait when making changes?


Normally the changes are applied in a matter of minutes and they do not require re-connections, the forward rules are "hot swapped". However, your description hints at an undue delay, we will investigate. In order to speed up the change, if a similar problem re-surfaces, please disconnect and re-connect your system to the VPN server(s).
3 hours ago, G7MdUkQht3n8c1d9 said:

I utilized this guide https://nguvu.org/pfsense/pfsense-multi-vpn-wan/. Could this be creating an issue?

Provided that your forwarded port(s) are enabled for all the "devices" of your account, that the forward rules are applied for all the various VPN interfaces, and that you know which exit-IP address your service is reachable on, the multi VPN configuration is not a problem. If you find that port forwarding works with a "single VPN" configuration, but stops working with a multi-VPN setup, you need to check the above again.
3 hours ago, G7MdUkQht3n8c1d9 said:

I also deny remote DNS Servers and only allow local dns resolution. Could this be causing an issue? 

No, this is not a cause for concern. Just keep in mind that without VPN DNS you can't use the AirVPN DNS based blocking system and the geo-routing system.

Kind regards

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Posted ... (edited)

In PfSense, I establish openvpn connection with airvpn, I create a vpn interface, I create a port forward, a fw rule is created in the vpn interface. There is an option for a gateway in this firewall rule. Set to default, I am connectable and everything is working. Set gateway to the same vpn gateway, it does not work.
If I set default gateway on this port forwarding rule, will it cause a leak?

Guide followed: https://nguvu.org/pfsense/pfsense-port-forward/

Thank you for your help.

EDIT: added "rule"

Edited ... by G7MdUkQht3n8c1d9

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