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Not connected, Your IP:

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Hi all.

Recently installed Eddie for Android (3.0) on a Sony Bravia TV.

Manually connects well, and options to not connect in detected country and my whitelisting of a preferred country appear to work well.

My problems are:
1) is there any way to have this autoconnect on TV power-on?
2) I find that after enough passed time, if I return to check on it, it disconnects, or hangs; if disconnected, I can manually reconnect. If hung, invoking it makes it terminate (blank white screen); invoking it again launches it unconnected, so I manually reconnect.

Is 1) possible? And if it disconnects or hangs, is some automated remedy for 2) possible?


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11 hours ago, Radagast said:

1) is there any way to have this autoconnect on TV power-on?


Unfortunately not. This option has been deliberately disabled by Google in Android TV systems (from version 9 if we're not mistaken). On some manufacturer's devices, apps can be launched during the bootstrap through a launcher/boot app running on high privileges but, as far as we know (we would be happy to be corrected if we're wrong), that's not possible with Sony Bravia.
11 hours ago, Radagast said:

2) I find that after enough passed time, if I return to check on it, it disconnects, or hangs; if disconnected, I can manually reconnect. If hung, invoking it makes it terminate (blank white screen); invoking it again launches it unconnected, so I manually reconnect.

The second behavior (hung -> blank screen -> restart without connection) sounds like a bad crash. Please send us (either here or in a ticket to the support team) the complete report. It will contain the logcat too, so it may provide us with valuable information to understand what happened. To send us the log and logcat:
  • open the settings view
  • tap the paper plane icon on the top
  • note down or copy to the clibpoard the URL that the app will give you back
  • send us or the support team the URL

Kind regards


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