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ANSWERED Recently Used Devices

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I'm running a Linux distro, connected via Tor Browser v115.4.0esr.

The "Recently Used Devices" panel in my profile shows Windows and Firefox v115.0. I've not used a Windows machine with AirVPN in several months, at least.

My password is > 100 bits of entropy, basically impossible to guess. A hack is always possible, of course, but my practice is to use privacy and security centric OSes, like PureOS and Qubes, which are always up to date. I don't click on strange links.

I guess what I'm wondering is: how reliable is the "Recently Used Devices" panel. I'll go ahead and change my password, but I'm still curious.



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8 minutes ago, 0tt0_partes said:

I guess what I'm wondering is: how reliable is the "Recently Used Devices" panel. I'll go ahead and change my password, but I'm still curious.


It's an Invision feature which could be useful sometimes, so we have not disabled it. It is as reliable as the user agent of your browser, which you can change easily. Actually, if look carefully, you might even find probably impossible combinations, such as Safari on Android and so on. Maybe you use a user agent changer plug-in in your browser which rotates user agents. As a side note to harden login security, you may also consider to enable 2FA.

Kind regards

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Maybe I've answered my own question.

Upon further review, it looks like the panel reflects the last VPN connection I've made, while I was thinking it documents my last login to this account.

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22 hours ago, 0tt0_partes said:

Maybe I've answered my own question.

Upon further review, it looks like the panel reflects the last VPN connection I've made, while I was thinking it documents my last login to this account.


The "Client Area" session(s) panel shows the current connection slots, while the web site "Account Settings" > "Recently used devices" panel shows a part of the account's browser user agent transmitted to the web site when you log in to it.

Kind regards

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