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minor Eddie bug (Mac client)

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Is there a place for reporting Eddie bugs?  I've noticed that if I launch Eddie and connect, I always get a server in Canada (I am in US).  I think that is by design?  Or no?

If I then stop Eddie, and restart it, I always get a server in the US.  I feel like the behavior should be the same whether or not you are launching for the first time.  I always have to quit Eddie entirely and relaunch it to get the preferred Canada server.

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On 7/13/2023 at 3:51 PM, bsabiston said:

Is there a place for reporting Eddie bugs?  I've noticed that if I launch Eddie and connect, I always get a server in Canada (I am in US).  I think that is by design?  Or no?

If I then stop Eddie, and restart it, I always get a server in the US.  I feel like the behavior should be the same whether or not you are launching for the first time.  I always have to quit Eddie entirely and relaunch it to get the preferred Canada server.

For Eddie Desktop edition please check here:

However the choice could be incoherent for the following bug under investigation:

In the meantime we would recommend that you white list the country, or even better the server set, you wish to connect to. By defining a white list, Eddie will consider only servers included there, and the problem will be easily circumvented. In Eddie Desktop edition you can define a white list of servers in the "Servers" window. For example, if you prefer to connect to Canada, you can build a white list of those 3-4 servers in Canada which can provide you (according to your experience and tests) with the best performance.

Kind regards

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