vOsgZC7 0 Posted ... Hello everyone, I am a new user of AirVPN, tried searching for tutorials in youtube, tutorials in google, reddit, searched inside the community forums, but I cannot find two simple things: 1- The manual for how to use Eddie. 2- A button inside Eddie to change my connection from OpenVPN to Wireguard. When I go to the Protocols section on the Preferences menu inside Eddie, there is a checkbox saying "Automatic". But checking or unchecking the checkbox just changes the grayed-out color of the table, but I can't click, right-click, double-click or do anything to "activate" the wireguard protocol. Would anyone help me and answer these two questions? I am using Debian Bullseye. Thanks in advance. Quote Share this post Link to post
Staff 10079 Posted ... @vOsgZC7 Hello! For Eddie's manual, please type in a terminal "man eddie-ui". To switch connection mode, in the "Preferences" > "Protocols" window please uncheck "Automatic", select the connection mode line you prefer (the line will be highlighted) and click "Save". The change will apply at the next connection. Eddie will prevent WireGuard selection if WireGuard is not installed in the system. WireGuard should have been installed during Eddie installation as a dependency, but please check. Kind regards 3 AdrianMonk, EclecticBoar and SourceCode reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post
eve.hicks 1 Posted ... Hello. I have the same issue. I want to try WireGuard as alternative to OpenVPN, but I even don't have a wireguard type in protocols tab. As Staff mentioned, it should be installed with Eddie, but... Right now the latest stable version of Eddie for windows is 2.21.8 and I didn't see any options during install. I'm using Eddie on x64 2008 R2 server. Should I switch to experimental? Thanks in advance. Quote Share this post Link to post
monstrocity 32 Posted ... @eve.hicksRemove Eddie completely. Install WireGuard 0.5.3 msi and generate your config files for your desired servers in the Client Area. Import the tunnels (config files) using the WireGuard GUI; connecting and disconnecting from various Air servers is instantaneous and painless. The only advantage Eddie has over this method is the graphical display of server loads and ping times - both of which have been known to be misreported.https://www.wireguard.com/install/ 1 Gurusi reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post
eve.hicks 1 Posted ... 4 minutes ago, monstrocity said: The only advantage Eddie has over this method is the graphical display of server loads and ping times - both of which have been known to be misreported. Thank you for suggestion, but I want to use Eddie. WireGuard 0.5.3 don't have Eddie features I use, i.e. network lock & etc. Also I want to be able to switch between OV and WG in any time. P.S. Btw, I checked app folder and I have wireguard.dll inside. But I don't know why I don't have it in protocols list. 1 AdrianMonk reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post
monstrocity 32 Posted ... Maybe try the experimental; the wireguard.dll file is the same version though. I never got it to work on W10, so that's why I moved away from Eddie. BTW, the WireGuard GUI app has a kill-switch. 2 eve.hicks and AdrianMonk reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post