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Advice Needed

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You can use the Air client both on your host and guest OS. Please note that you can't use the same account for two simultaneous connections.

If I am connecting Tor over AirVPN over Tor then I will not need to two accounts will I?


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You can use the Air client both on your host and guest OS. Please note that you can't use the same account for two simultaneous connections.

If I am connecting Tor over AirVPN over Tor then I will not need to two accounts will I?



Correct, in this case you need only one account.

Kind regards

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Q1) So then once fully set-up to connect I would do as follows:

a. On HM (normal windows) connect to Tor.

b. Once connected to Tor, connect to AirVPN.

c. Start the VM and then again connect to Tor within it

d. Done! Use the internet with" Tor over VPN over Tor" using the last Tor Browser launched in the VM for your browsing needs?


Q1 ANSWER - Correct. About point b, remember to configure OpenVPN to connect to an Air server over your TOR proxy. The configuration generator or the Air client will take care of it, just select the appropriate options for Proxy Type, Proxy IP and Proxy Port.


Q2) If point a is correct then how can I change my Comodo settings to allow me to connect to Tor first as the current rules only allow connections to AirVPN servers. Could these changes to settings alow for DNS leaks?


Q2 ANSWER - The rules should already allow these type of connections because, when you connect OpenVPN over TOR, OpenVPN will communicate with (your local proxy address), which is explicitly allowed in some rule. Additionally remember, when Comodo will prompt you about that, to allow any communication from/to the Virtual Machine (i.e. take care not to block the virtualization program NAT).

If you have any issue on this matter please do not hesitate to contact us, a Comodo expert will support you.


1. I have a problem when trying to connect using steps a-d above. On step a when trying to connect to Tor on the HM I get the message that "Connecting to the Tor network failed (connection refused)". I think this is because of the Q2 I asked previously - if a Tor connection is random everytime upon conecting then I will have to allow the entire IP range (which could allow DNS leaks) in Comodo as rules? This is assuming that a-d (listed above) of how to connect to Tor over AirVPN over Tor with a VM (using windows 2008).

2. Regarding the support answer to Q1 listed above. I am confused about which appropriate options for Proxy Type, Proxy IP and Proxy Port I should be selecting and where? I am using UDP and port 443 but have no idea what to put in the proxy part for type, host and port?

All detailed advice regarding configuring my network settings for HM, VM and Comodo would be appreciated? Happy to email across my current settings if necesary?

Thank you

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1. I have a problem when trying to connect using steps a-d above. On step a when trying to connect to Tor on the HM I get the message that "Connecting to the Tor network failed (connection refused)". I think this is because of the Q2 I asked previously - if a Tor connection is random everytime upon conecting then I will have to allow the entire IP range (which could allow DNS leaks) in Comodo as rules? This is assuming that a-d (listed above) of how to connect to Tor over AirVPN over Tor with a VM (using windows 2008).


Do you have the rules that are specified in step 9 of our guide?

Allow IP In/Out From In [Loopback Zone] to MAC Any Where Protocol Is Any

Allow IP In/Out From MAC Any To In [Loopback Zone] Where Protocol Is Any

where [Loopback Zone] is [ -]

2. Regarding the support answer to Q1 listed above. I am confused about which appropriate options for Proxy Type, Proxy IP and Proxy Port I should be selecting and where? I am using UDP and port 443 but have no idea what to put in the proxy part for type, host and port?

If you use the TOR Browser Bundle:

- Proxy Type: socks

- Proxy IP:

- Port: 9050

Also, connection over a proxy can ONLY be TCP. Remember to select a TCP port.

Kind regards

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Do you have the rules that are specified in step 9 of our guide?

Allow IP In/Out From In [Loopback Zone] to MAC Any Where Protocol Is Any

Allow IP In/Out From MAC Any To In [Loopback Zone] Where Protocol Is Any

where [Loopback Zone] is [ -]

Yes I have exactly the above rules in Comodo.

If you use the TOR Browser Bundle:

- Protocol - TCP

- Port - 443

- Proxy Type: socks

- Proxy IP:

- Port: 9050

I assume I enter these details above in the Configuration Generator on airvpn.org website? Then where do I apply these details - on normal windows or on the VM? Im not sure what to do with these details or where to save them? I am all but lost with configuring the network to run Tor Over OpenVPN over Tor.

Currently on my HM I am using UDP and 443. Please advise what needs changing and WHERE?


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I assume I enter these details above in the Configuration Generator on airvpn.org website? Then where do I apply these details - on normal windows or on the VM? Im not sure what to do with these details or where to save them? I am all but lost with configuring the network to run Tor Over OpenVPN over Tor.


Yes, please access the configuration generator and generate the appropriate configuration. Download the archive, copy and paste the .ovpn file into the OpenVPN configuration directory, just like you did before, on your host.

Kind regards

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I have done everything you mentioned but it still doesnt work. I still get the "Connecting to the Tor network failed (connection refused)" error. I have just emailed you the error logs from Tor when trying to connect - perhaps this will help fix it. Look forward to your response by email.

Just added settings for new IT and SG servers to Comodo! Very pleased with these two new additions! How does IT + SG compare in comparison to SE, RO and CH severs in terms of privacy? I know SE, RO, CH are better than US, UK and DE. How about the new ones?

Thank you!

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I have done everything you mentioned but it still doesnt work. I still get the "Connecting to the Tor network failed (connection refused)" error. I have just emailed you the error logs from Tor when trying to connect - perhaps this will help fix it. Look forward to your response by email.

Just added settings for new IT and SG servers to Comodo! Very pleased with these two new additions! How does IT + SG compare in comparison to SE, RO and CH severs in terms of privacy? I know SE, RO, CH are better than US, UK and DE. How about the new ones?

Thank you!

Have also sent across my Comodo firewall rules. Thank you

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