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macOS: Hummingbird 1.2.0 available

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Update: Hummingbird 1.2.0 Release Candidate 3 is now available. Links to download the packages have been updated in this thread first message. Thank you very much for your tests!

Kind regards

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Update: Hummingbird 1.2.0 is now available. Original message download links and changelog have been updated accordingly. 

Special thanks to all the testers whose help and patience have been instrumental in spotting bugs and reaching a stable release. Thank you so much!

Kind regards

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Hummingbird 1.2.0 MacOS Apple M1 (Notarized) keeps leaking DNS requests (see attachment) after a period of time ie a few hours when connected to Fawaris.  Didn't have this issue with 1.1.2.

MacOS Monterey 12.3.1

Any ideas?



Screenshot 2022-04-26 at 12-24-00 IP_DNS Detect.png

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We suspect that something modifies DNS settings (example: maybe DHCP lease?), as you write that the problem occurs after some hours. Can you attach Hummingbird log taken just after the problem has occurred? If you have the option to test Hummingbird 1.1.2 in your current environment, could you please do so and verify whether the same problem occurs or not?

Also, can you send us the DNS settings at the beginning of your connection, when everything works fine, and the same settings soon after you detect the issue?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards

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I am using Hummingbird 1.2.0 on my Mac and would like to use my local DNS servers instead of the DNS servers from AirVPN. Reason is that I am in the process of setting up a local Pi-hole on Raspberry PI.

It seems the "-i" flag (to force pushing local DNS instead of Air DNS) when running Hummingbird is not working for me, when I run Hummingbird with this flag

spinmaster@MacBook AirVPN % sudo ./hummingbird -i AirVPN_Germany_TCP-443-Entry3.ovpn
Checking IPLeak.net, the site still shows the Air-DNS but not my local DNS server which I have configured in my local router (which I would expect) - see image attached.

I have provided the outputted log information to the console from the command above here: https://pastebin.com/CP5vFzRM

Any idea? I would really like to use both: AirVPN tunnel with the IP from the AirVPN exit node and my local DNS setup with Pi-hole - to have full control over what is blocked by which client in my LAN. Best of both worlds. ;)dns.thumb.png.784f96f1c4bb1606cb4182c0f485a2c3.png

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