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Linux: AirVPN Suite 1.2.0 available

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I have a problem;
No cipher available for openSUSE 15,3? https://software.opensuse.org/package/cipher

@local:/usr/local/bin> ./goldcrest AirVPN_Netherlands_UDP-443.ovpn
2022-03-09 12:01:08 Reading run control directives from file /home/gerrit/.config/goldcrest.rc
Goldcrest 1.2.0 RC 2 - 8 March 2022

2022-03-09 12:01:08 Bluetit - AirVPN OpenVPN 3 Service 1.2.0 RC 2 - 8 March 2022
2022-03-09 12:01:08 OpenVPN core 3.7.2 AirVPN linux x86_64 64-bit
2022-03-09 12:01:08 Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
2022-03-09 12:01:09 OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019
2022-03-09 12:01:09 Bluetit is ready
2022-03-09 12:01:09 Bluetit options successfully reset
2022-03-09 12:01:09 Requesting VPN connection to Bluetit
2022-03-09 12:01:09 Network filter and lock are using nftables
2022-03-09 12:01:09 Successfully loaded kernel module nf_tables
2022-03-09 12:01:09 WARNING: firewalld is running on this system and may interfere with network filter and lock
2022-03-09 12:01:09 Network filter successfully initialized
2022-03-09 12:01:09 Starting VPN Connection
2022-03-09 12:01:09 TUN persistence is enabled.
2022-03-09 12:01:09 ERROR: cipher  is not supported. Please use --list-data-ciphers to list supported data ciphers.
2022-03-09 12:01:09 Bluetit session terminated






local:/ # journalctl | grep bluetit                          
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2010]: Starting Bluetit - AirVPN OpenVPN 3 Service 1.2.0 Beta 1 - 7 February 2022
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2010]: OpenVPN core 3.7.1 AirVPN linux x86_64 64-bit
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2010]: Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2010]: SSL Library: OpenSSL 1.1.0l  10 Sep 2019
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: Bluetit daemon started with PID 2021
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: External network is reachable via gateway through interface eth0
Mar 09 13:06:35 local systemd[1]: bluetit.service: Supervising process 2021 which is not our child. We'll most likely not notice when it exi
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: Successfully connected to D-Bus
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: Reading run control directives from file /etc/airvpn/bluetit.rc
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: IPv6 is available in this system
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: Bluetit successfully initialized and ready
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: Requesting network IP and country to AirVPN ipleak.net via secure connection
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: ERROR: Cannot detect system location: Unknown error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: AirVPN Manifest updater thread started
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: AirVPN Manifest update interval is 15 minutes
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: Updating AirVPN Manifest
Mar 09 13:06:35 local bluetit[2021]: Trying connection to AirVPN bootstrap server at
Mar 09 13:06:36 local bluetit[2021]: AirVPN Manifest successfully retrieved from server
Mar 09 13:06:55 local bluetit[2021]: Requested method "version"
Mar 09 13:06:55 local bluetit[2021]: Requested method "openvpn_info"
Mar 09 13:06:55 local bluetit[2021]: Requested method "openvpn_copyright"
Mar 09 13:06:55 local bluetit[2021]: Requested method "ssl_library_version"
Mar 09 13:06:55 local bluetit[2021]: Requested method "bluetit_status -> Bluetit is ready"
Mar 09 13:06:55 local bluetit[2021]: Requested method "reset_bluetit_options -> Bluetit options successfully reset"
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Requested method "set_openvpn_profile -> OK"
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Requested method "start_connection"
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: OpenVPN3 connection successfully started
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Network filter and lock are using nftables
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Successfully loaded kernel module nf_tables
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: WARNING: firewalld is running on this system and may interfere with network filter and lock
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Network filter successfully initialized
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Starting VPN Connection
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: OpenVPN3 client successfully created and initialized.
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: TUN persistence is enabled.
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Successfully set OpenVPN3 client configuration
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Starting OpenVPN3 connection thread
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: OpenVPN core 3.7.1 AirVPN linux x86_64 64-bit
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Connection statistics updater thread started
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: UNUSED OPTIONS
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: EVENT: RESOLVE
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Local IPv4 address
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Local IPv6 address 2001:1c04:581:e700:7189:4771:b99c:2535
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Local IPv6 address 2001:1c04:581:e700:aaa1:59ff:fe2f:523e
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Local IPv6 address fe80::aaa1:59ff:fe2f:523e
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Local interface eth0
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Setting up network filter and lock
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Allowing system DNS to pass through the network filter
Mar 09 13:06:56 local bluetit[2021]: Allowing system DNS to pass through the network filter
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: Resolved server nl.vpn.airdns.org into IPv4
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: Adding IPv4 server to network filter
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: Network filter and lock successfully activated
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: Contacting via UDP
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: EVENT: WAIT
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: net_route_best_gw query IPv4:
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: sitnl_route_best_gw result: via dev eth0
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: net_route_add: via dev eth0 table 0 metric 0
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: Connecting to [nl.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: EVENT: CONNECTING
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: Tunnel Options:V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1542,tun-mtu 1500,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,keydir 1,cipher BF-CBC,a
uth SHA1,keysize 128,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-client
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: Peer Info:
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: VERIFY OK: depth=1, /C=IT/ST=IT/L=Perugia/O=airvpn.org/CN=airvpn.org CA/emailAddress=info@airvpn.org, s
ignature: RSA-SHA512
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: VERIFY OK: depth=0, /C=IT/ST=IT/L=Perugia/O=airvpn.org/CN=Rukbat/emailAddress=info@airvpn.org, signatur
e: RSA-SHA512
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: SSL Handshake: peer certificate: CN=Rukbat, 4096 bit RSA, cipher: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 TLSv1.3
Kx=any      Au=any  Enc=CHACHA20/POLY1305(256) Mac=AEAD
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: Session is ACTIVE
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: EVENT: GET_CONFIG
Mar 09 13:06:57 local bluetit[2021]: Sending PUSH_REQUEST to server...
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: OPTIONS:
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: PROTOCOL OPTIONS:
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: EVENT: ASSIGN_IP
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: VPN Server has pushed IPv4 DNS server
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: Setting pushed IPv4 DNS server in resolv.conf
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: VPN Server has pushed IPv6 DNS server fde6:7a:7d20:1870::1
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: Setting pushed IPv6 DNS server fde6:7a:7d20:1870::1 in resolv.conf
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: net_iface_mtu_set: mtu 1500 for tun0
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: net_iface_up: set tun0 up
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: net_addr_add: brd dev tun0
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: net_addr_add: fde6:7a:7d20:1870::10db/64 dev tun0
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: net_route_add: via dev tun0 table 0 metric 0
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: net_route_add: via dev tun0 table 0 metric 0
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: net_route_add: ::/1 via fde6:7a:7d20:1870::1 dev tun0 table 0 metric 0
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: net_route_add: 8000::/1 via fde6:7a:7d20:1870::1 dev tun0 table 0 metric 0
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: TunPersist: saving tun context:
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: Connected via tun
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: LZO-ASYM init swap=0 asym=1
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: Comp-stub init swap=0
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: EVENT: CONNECTED nl.vpn.airdns.org:443 ( via /UDPv4 on tun/
70::10db gw=[]
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: Server has pushed its own DNS. Removing system DNS from network filter.
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: System DNS is now rejected by the network filter
Mar 09 13:06:58 local bluetit[2021]: System DNS is now rejected by the network filter
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: Requested method "bluetit_status -> Bluetit is connected to VPN"
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: Requested method "stop_connection"
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: Stopping OpenVPN3 connection thread
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: Connection statistics updater thread finished
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: net_route_del: 8000::/1 via fde6:7a:7d20:1870::1 dev tun0 table 0 metric 0
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: net_route_del: ::/1 via fde6:7a:7d20:1870::1 dev tun0 table 0 metric 0
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: net_route_del: via dev tun0 table 0 metric 0
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: net_route_del: via dev tun0 table 0 metric 0
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: net_addr_del: fde6:7a:7d20:1870::10db/64 dev tun0
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: net_addr_del: dev tun0
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: net_iface_mtu_set: mtu 1500 for tun0
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: net_iface_up: set tun0 down
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: net_route_del: via dev eth0 table 0 metric 0
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: EVENT: DISCONNECTED
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: Successfully restored DNS settings
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: Network filter successfully restored
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: OpenVPN3 connection thread finished
Mar 09 13:07:19 local bluetit[2021]: OpenVPN3 connection thread successfully terminated
Mar 09 13:07:19 local dbus-daemon[1314]: [system] Rejected send message, 3 matched rules; type="error", sender=":1.93" (uid=1000 pid=4765 co
mm="./goldcrest AirVPN_Netherlands_UDP-443.ovpn ") interface="(unset)" member="(unset)" error name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod
" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.20" (uid=0 pid=2021 comm="/sbin/bluetit ")
Mar 09 13:09:55 local systemd[1]: bluetit.service: Succeeded.
Mar 09 13:09:55 local systemd[1]: bluetit.service: Unit process 2021 (bluetit) remains running after unit stopped.
Mar 09 13:09:55 local bluetit[2021]: Received SIGTERM signal. Terminating Bluetit.
Mar 09 13:09:55 local bluetit[2021]: AirVPN Manifest updater thread finished
Mar 09 13:10:03 local bluetit[6170]: Starting Bluetit - AirVPN OpenVPN 3 Service 1.2.0 RC 2 - 8 March 2022
Mar 09 13:10:03 local bluetit[6170]: OpenVPN core 3.7.2 AirVPN linux x86_64 64-bit
Mar 09 13:10:03 local bluetit[6170]: Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Mar 09 13:10:03 local bluetit[6170]: SSL Library: OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019
Mar 09 13:10:03 local bluetit[6172]: Bluetit daemon started with PID 6172
Mar 09 13:10:03 local bluetit[6172]: External network is reachable via gateway through interface eth0
Mar 09 13:10:04 local bluetit[6172]: Successfully connected to D-Bus
Mar 09 13:10:04 local bluetit[6172]: Reading run control directives from file /etc/airvpn/bluetit.rc
Mar 09 13:10:04 local bluetit[6172]: IPv6 is available in this system
Mar 09 13:10:04 local bluetit[6172]: Bluetit successfully initialized and ready
Mar 09 13:10:04 local bluetit[6172]: Requesting network IP and country to AirVPN ipleak.net via secure connection
Mar 09 13:10:04 local bluetit[6172]: ERROR: Cannot detect system location: Unknown error: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?
Mar 09 13:10:04 local bluetit[6172]: AirVPN Manifest updater thread started
Mar 09 13:10:04 local bluetit[6172]: AirVPN Manifest update interval is 15 minutes
Mar 09 13:10:04 local bluetit[6172]: Updating AirVPN Manifest
Mar 09 13:10:04 local bluetit[6172]: AirVPN Manifest successfully retrieved from server
Mar 09 13:10:13 local bluetit[6172]: Requested method "version"
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Requested method "openvpn_info"
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Requested method "openvpn_copyright"
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Requested method "ssl_library_version"
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Requested method "bluetit_status -> Bluetit is ready"
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Requested method "reset_bluetit_options -> Bluetit options successfully reset"
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Requested method "set_openvpn_profile -> OK"
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Requested method "start_connection"
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: OpenVPN3 connection successfully started
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Network filter and lock are using nftables
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Successfully loaded kernel module nf_tables
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: WARNING: firewalld is running on this system and may interfere with network filter and lock
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Network filter successfully initialized
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Starting VPN Connection
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: OpenVPN3 client successfully created and initialized.
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: TUN persistence is enabled.
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: Successfully set OpenVPN3 client configuration
Mar 09 13:10:14 local bluetit[6172]: ERROR: cipher  is not supported. Please use --list-data-ciphers to list supported data ciphers.
local:/ #


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Thank you, please disclose /home/gerrit/.config/goldcrest.rc and AirVPN_Netherlands_UDP-443.ovpn (cut sensitive information, if any).

Kind regards

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21 minutes ago, Staff said:


Thank you, please disclose /home/gerrit/.config/goldcrest.rc and AirVPN_Netherlands_UDP-443.ovpn (cut sensitive information, if any).

Kind regards
done, see post above

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We can't see AirVPN_Netherlands_UDP-443.ovpn, can you please check and re-send? Anyway from the log we see that the cipher forced on Bluetit is BF-CBC, which is not supported.

Kind regards

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Made a new ovpn....same result. With another ovpn same error
With RC1 no problems.....

@local:/usr/local/bin> ./goldcrest AirVPN_Netherlands_UDP-443-Entry3.ovpn
2022-03-09 15:03:40 Reading run control directives from file /home/gerrit/.config/goldcrest.rc
Goldcrest 1.2.0 RC 2 - 8 March 2022

2022-03-09 15:03:40 Bluetit - AirVPN OpenVPN 3 Service 1.2.0 RC 2 - 8 March 2022
2022-03-09 15:03:40 OpenVPN core 3.7.2 AirVPN linux x86_64 64-bit
2022-03-09 15:03:40 Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
2022-03-09 15:03:41 OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019
2022-03-09 15:03:41 Bluetit is ready
2022-03-09 15:03:41 Bluetit options successfully reset
2022-03-09 15:03:41 Requesting VPN connection to Bluetit
2022-03-09 15:03:41 Network filter and lock are using nftables
2022-03-09 15:03:41 Successfully loaded kernel module nf_tables
2022-03-09 15:03:41 WARNING: firewalld is running on this system and may interfere with network filter and lock
2022-03-09 15:03:41 Network filter successfully initialized
2022-03-09 15:03:41 Starting VPN Connection
2022-03-09 15:03:41 TUN persistence is enabled.
2022-03-09 15:03:41 ERROR: cipher  is not supported. Please use --list-data-ciphers to list supported data ciphers.
2022-03-09 15:03:41 Bluetit session terminated

@local:/usr/local/bin> ./goldcrest AirVPN_United-Kingdom_UDP-443.ovpn
2022-03-09 15:10:28 Reading run control directives from file /home/gerrit/.config/goldcrest.rc
Goldcrest 1.2.0 RC 2 - 8 March 2022

2022-03-09 15:10:29 Bluetit - AirVPN OpenVPN 3 Service 1.2.0 RC 2 - 8 March 2022
2022-03-09 15:10:29 OpenVPN core 3.7.2 AirVPN linux x86_64 64-bit
2022-03-09 15:10:29 Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
2022-03-09 15:10:29 OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019
2022-03-09 15:10:29 Bluetit is ready
2022-03-09 15:10:29 Bluetit options successfully reset
2022-03-09 15:10:29 Requesting VPN connection to Bluetit
2022-03-09 15:10:29 Network filter and lock are using nftables
2022-03-09 15:10:29 Successfully loaded kernel module nf_tables
2022-03-09 15:10:29 WARNING: firewalld is running on this system and may interfere with network filter and lock
2022-03-09 15:10:29 Network filter successfully initialized
2022-03-09 15:10:29 Starting VPN Connection
2022-03-09 15:10:29 TUN persistence is enabled.
2022-03-09 15:10:29 ERROR: cipher  is not supported. Please use --list-data-ciphers to list supported data ciphers.
2022-03-09 15:10:29 Bluetit session terminated




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Thank you, bug reproduced and confirmed, and it is indeed a regression from RC 1 as you wrote. We are investigating but we have already a precise idea of the problem, so expect a fix soon. In the meantime, to use RC 2 and keep testing you must enter in the profile the deprecated 'cipher' directive, for example:
cipher CHACHA20-POLY1305
cipher AES-256-GCM
Alternatively, you may avoid ovpn profiles. As a further alternative, include "--cipher <cipher>" in Goldcrest command line options.

Kind regards

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Is there a good syntax description for the .rc configuration files?  I tried the latest release and are just unsure if the syntax is correct, as in previous releases some of the functionality such as lists wasn't working.

Thanks in advance!

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Yes, please consult the user's manual (the .rc file templates will also show a lot) and test whether the problem you mention is resolved in the current RC. As far as we know lists have always worked correctly, a bug was that even the password argument was treated as a list when a comma was there.

Kind regards


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23 hours ago, Staff said:

Thank you, bug reproduced and confirmed, and it is indeed a regression from RC 1 as you wrote. We are investigating but we have already a precise idea of the problem, so expect a fix soon. In the meantime, to use RC 2 and keep testing you must enter in the profile the deprecated 'cipher' directive, for example:

Be advised that it also ails Eddie if RC2's Hummingbird is used instead of OpenVPN there. But it looks like you're working on it, anyway. :)


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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I have the following issue, on both 1.1 and this RC with arch linux. When I systemctl suspend and wake, I get the following output:

Session invalidated: KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT
Client terminated, restarting in 2000 ms...
Contacting via UDP
Connecting to [ch3.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
 Which then loops like this indefinitely until I restart it:
bluetit[6882]: Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
bluetit[6882]: EVENT: RECONNECTING
bluetit[6882]: ERROR: N_RECONNECT
bluetit[6882]: Contacting via UDP
bluetit[6882]: EVENT: WAIT
bluetit[6882]: Connecting to [ch3.vpn.airdns.org]:443 ( via UDPv4
goldcrest --reconnect does not work to get it back, nor does pause/resume. I can use goldcrest --disconnect and connect again with --air-connect or restart the bluetit service, but this isn't ideal. interestingly if I sleep for a second time the bluetit service uses 100% of a cpu core, connection stats say it's connected and there is no apparent log output, but there is no connection and I have to restart it as before. The difference with this RC is it doesn't break the network lock when I disconnect.

Not sure if the program isn't designed to handle this elegantly, it's a bug or I've misconfigured something as I am quite new to linux.

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Update: AirVPN Suite 1.2.0 Release Candidate 3 is now available. Original message download links and changelog have been updated accordingly.  Thank you for your tests!

Kind regards

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RC3 working splendidly following a few quick tests using Goldcrest/Bluetit options. --pause and --resume are working, too, at least they did those few times I tried it.

This time I delved into .ovpn files, and what can I say, apart from the unused options it connected just fine and set all options correctly.

2022-03-17 23:45:29 UNUSED OPTIONS
2 [resolv-retry] [infinite]
3 [nobind]
4 [persist-key]
5 [persist-tun]
6 [auth-nocache]
7 [verb] [3]
8 [explicit-exit-notify] [5]
11 [data-ciphers-fallback] [AES-256-CBC]
15 [fast-io]
16 [rcvbuf] [524288]
17 [sndbuf] [131072]

Nice work. ❤️


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Update: AirVPN Suite 1.2.0 is now available. Original message download links and changelog have been updated accordingly. 

Special thanks to all the testers whose help and patience have been instrumental in spotting bugs and reaching a stable release. Thank you so much!

Kind regards

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I've recently upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04, which has deprecated libssl 1.1, making AirVPN suite unusable in its current state.

Have you any plans to upgrade AirVPN suite to make use of more modern libraries and in the meantime, could anyone explain how I can install these older libraries to use AirVPN Suite in a way that won't affect the current libssl libraries or break the system.

Many thanks!

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1 hour ago, sooprtruffaut said:


I've recently upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04, which has deprecated libssl 1.1, making AirVPN suite unusable in its current state.

Have you any plans to upgrade AirVPN suite to make use of more modern libraries and in the meantime, could anyone explain how I can install these older libraries to use AirVPN Suite in a way that won't affect the current libssl libraries or break the system.

Many thanks!

Install it manually (deb package). You can find it here: http://nz2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.16_amd64.deb

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55 minutes ago, monstrocity said:
2 hours ago, sooprtruffaut said:


I've recently upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04, which has deprecated libssl 1.1, making AirVPN suite unusable in its current state.

Have you any plans to upgrade AirVPN suite to make use of more modern libraries and in the meantime, could anyone explain how I can install these older libraries to use AirVPN Suite in a way that won't affect the current libssl libraries or break the system.

Many thanks!

Install it manually (deb package). You can find it here: http://nz2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl/libssl1.1_1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.16_amd64.deb
Thanks, that got it work. I appreciate it!

I'm still curious to know if the staff has any plans to update the suite to make use of libssl 3 in the future.

Thanks again!

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On 10/30/2022 at 8:41 AM, sooprtruffaut said:
Thanks, that got it work. I appreciate it!

I'm still curious to know if the staff has any plans to update the suite to make use of libssl 3 in the future.

Thanks again!


Yes, you can test AirVPN Suite 1.2.1 RC1 linked against libssl 3 right now. It's a quick fix release, while all the major new options will be implemented in the next version, whose development started.

You can download Release Candidate 1 for x86-64 at the moment, The internal beta testing ended successfully and any known bug has been fixed. Inside the tarball you also find the changelog. As soon as all the other packages (for ARM) are ready, we will announce everything on a new thread, but feel free to start using it right now of course.

Find the changelog inside the tarball. Download link:

Checksum to verify:
# sha256sum AirVPN-Suite-x86_64-1.2.1-RC-1.tar.gz
d50682222c6f3294de2eacdb833966c91c9d27fb931e043f0d063a19c1d1a7e4  AirVPN-Suite-x86_64-1.2.1-RC-1.tar.g

If you need the legacy version (linked against libssl 1.1) the download link is:
# sha256sum AirVPN-Suite-x86_64-legacy-1.2.1-RC-1.tar.gz
a1aa78c2508bbd8fe3e1a5d02d475d32d48e40a35adf59a6535d15c93af7efcc  AirVPN-Suite-x86_64-legacy-1.2.1-RC-1.tar.gz
Kind regards

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I'm a total Linux newbie, so my questions are most likely very naive, to be generous.

In any case, I've seen there's a Docker container for Hummingbird but I don't understand how the three components in this suite interact.

Bluetit: lightweight, ultra-fast D-Bus controlled system daemon providing full connectivity and integration to AirVPN servers, or generic OpenVPN servers. Bluetit can also enforce Network Lock and/or connect the system to AirVPN during the bootstrap

Goldcrest: Bluetit client, allowing full integration with AirVPN servers, users, keys, profiles as well as generic OpenVPN servers
Hummingbird: lightweight and standalone binary for generic OpenVPN server connections

This leads me to believe that one would need just Bluetit and that Bluetit is the faster option for using AirVPN servers. So why was the Docker container designed around Hummingbird?

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Posted ... (edited)
On 12/7/2022 at 7:01 AM, tranquivox69 said:

I'm a total Linux newbie, so my questions are most likely very naive, to be generous.

In any case, I've seen there's a Docker container for Hummingbird but I don't understand how the three components in this suite interact.


This leads me to believe that one would need just Bluetit and that Bluetit is the faster option for using AirVPN servers. So why was the Docker container designed around Hummingbird?

I am also trying to find out this suit interacts. Let me know if you found out a solution. The greatest website that can translate a few pages into French is what I'm merely searching for, but I can't seem to locate one. Then, one of my friends suggested the excellent website check here, which is qualified and adept at translating web pages. If you need any translation services, you can also check out this website.
I am also trying to find out this suit interacts. Let me know if you found out a solution. Edited ... by AmberSawyers

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On 12/7/2022 at 2:31 AM, tranquivox69 said:

This leads me to believe that one would need just Bluetit and that Bluetit is the faster option for using AirVPN servers. So why was the Docker container designed around Hummingbird?

Bluetit is the daemon connecting to AirVPN, so it's a specialized OpenVPN client. Goldcrest is a client frontend for Bluetit. Another project, Firecrest, is in active development and will be a GUI client for Bluetit. Ergo, Bluetit is the workhorse in the suite. It depends on an init system running udev, something a Docker container does not have. So, the unofficial Docker container is built around the third wheel in the stack, Hummingbird, which is a standalone OpenVPN client, capable to connect to any OpenVPN server standalone. The container could've been built with the official OpenVPN 3 or even OpenVPN 2.x as standalone clients, too (and, in fact, I think it's based on another container using exactly this).

Oh, and Bluetit shares a large portion of its logic with Hummingbird since the former is derived from the latter.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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3 hours ago, OpenSourcerer said:
Oh, and Bluetit shares a large portion of its logic with Hummingbird since the former is derived from the latter.


Out of curiosity, the Suite foundation classes are shared between the whole Suite components whenever possible, as you rightly notice, for the purposes of good design and optimization, but historically and logically Bluetit did not derive from Hummingbird. Given the completely different architecture of those programs, it would have been impossible. Even the logic is profoundly different (no wonder, one is a real daemon the other a root process). Nowadays the opposite is partly true, it's Hummingbird which benefits from Bluetit development when possible. The foundation classes themselves have been and are always designed for the client-server model.


As explained by @OpenSourcerer you can't run Bluetit in a docker. If you need the client-server architecture that only Bluetit can give you, consider a full virtualization (or running the daemon on the host - of course. :) ). By running Hummingbird, anyway, performance will not be penalized at all: the underlying libraries which are critical for performance (e.g. OpenVPN3-AirVPN and OpenSSL) are the very same, so you should not notice any differences in this respect.

Kind regards

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