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"Checking authorization..." lasts longer than before

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I have Manjaro XFCE linux and I use Eddie for AirVPN which was installed via the official AUR. This entire installation is about 2 months old, and in the beginning everything worked very fast, without any delays.

However, since about 4 or 5 days ago I started to notice that when Eddie wants to check my authorization (username and pass), this process lasts a lot longer than previously. In the past this would last one second at the most, often even less than a second. But now this process takes anywhere between 20 seconds and up to a whole minute. The process of connecting to the desired server doesn't appear to last longer than before, only the authorization.

I thought that maybe my internet connection might be to blame, but it doesn't appear to be slower than before. Have you made any changes to this authorization process which could account for this change?

Btw. I tried resetting all settings in Eddie, but that didn't help.

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Yep, me too, and sometimes closer to two and three minutes before it moves past that first step and completes the process. Nothing has changed on my Mac, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Usually, restarting Eddie or even my Mac itself will get things flowing smoothly again, but not on this occasion.


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I can confirm the same issue on Win10 (Eddie). Happened to me yesterday. It took around 1min to authorize.
I saw no errors/warnings in the logs tab.

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Same issue on my Macbook Pro. It started yesterday too. I didn't do any modifications to Eddie settings (v. 2.20.0). Only updated Firefox.

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It's possible that the first "bootstrap server" that Eddie tries to contact is not working well or is unreachable from your nodes. After the timeout, Eddie goes on to the next available "bootstrap" server, that's why it works but you notice a delay each time Eddie wants to download the "manifest file" from any bootstrap server (we offer wide redundancy of bootstrap servers, but Eddie will try them always in the same order). We will start an investigation soon. Can you confirm that the problem is still ongoing?

Kind regards

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Hello everybody. I have the same problem last days. Arch Linux Eddie and Eddie+Hummingbird both spend around 20 seconds on checking authorization step.

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1 hour ago, Staff said:

Thank you for your tests! Can you please try again now?

Kind regards
Whatever quirks and treats you pulled out of your sleeve ... it's working now just as slick and quick as always experienced. Thank you for solving this (at least for me that is).

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