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Linux Hummingbird 1.1.2 with Eddie

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Linux Mint 20.1 running Hummingbird 1.1.2 in Eddie 2.20.0
W 2021.06.09 21:24:50 - Hummingbird > WARNING: ignoring server DNS push request for address
W 2021.06.09 21:24:50 - Hummingbird > WARNING: ignoring server DNS push request for address fde6:7a:7d20:faf::1

Are these warnings anything to be concerned about?  The connection seems to work fine.  Before this, I was running the old Hummingbird 1.1.1 binaries (in Eddie 2.20.0), and no such warnings appeared in Eddie upon connecting to AirVPN servers.
Running Hummingbird 1.1.2 without Eddie does not produce the "ignoring server DNS push request" warnings. So, maybe it's an Eddie compatibility issue. However, Hummingbird 1.1.2 doesn't restore the network after issuing the "Ctrl+C" and "systemctl restart NetworkManager" commands.  Only logging out or restarting restores the connection.

Eddie log.txt

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tools.hummingbird.path: /etc/airvpn/hummingbird

This is a bad location for an executable. Should be in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin (if for all users) or in ~/.local/bin (if only for your user).

Regarding the issue, it looks like Hummingbird is given the -i switch. I'm not sure why. What happens if you set custom DNS servers in Eddie?


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I tried adding Air DNS server addresses in Eddie but still got the warnings.  Plus, I had no internet connection.  As I stated before, Hummingbird 1.1.1 gave no such warnings in Eddie, so I will revert back to that version.

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Eddie handles DNS by itself. As @OpenSourcerer noted, Eddie runs Hummingbird with --ignore-dns-push. This happened even in the past, but HB 1.1.2 now logs more accurately and warns you that it has been ordered to ignore DNS push. Therefore you should upgrade to HB 1.1.2 and not use older versions anymore.

An important implication of the above choice for Eddie is that Eddie + Hummingbird is not usable in systems where systemd-resolved is configured to not respect /etc/resolv.conf  settings (example: Fedora 33 and 34). In such systems Eddie should not be used as it can not handle DNS, while Hummingbird and Bluetit can.

Running Hummingbird 1.1.2 without Eddie does not produce the "ignoring server DNS push request" warnings. So, maybe it's an Eddie compatibility issue.

No, it's not a compatibility issue, it's only that Hummingbird by default handles DNS push.

However, Hummingbird 1.1.2 doesn't restore the network after issuing the "Ctrl+C" and "systemctl restart NetworkManager" commands.  Only logging out or restarting restores the connection. 

We can't reproduce the issue, can you please send us HB log showing the problem and any (if any) additional clue to reproduce the problem? Can you also tell us what you mean exactly with "Only logging out or restarting"?

Kind regards

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@Staff There's no issue with stopping HB 1.1.2 with "Ctrl+C" and "systemctl restart NetworkManager" commands.  My internet is restored; I'm not sure what happened yesterday.

Regarding systemd-resolved, it's disabled, including the symlink to /etc/resolv.conf.  If I start Eddie with Hummingbird, the warnings still persist which would indicate the issue(s) go beyond the mere existence of systemd-resolved.  The two warnings don't affect connectivity in the end, and there are no DNS leaks.

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Hey Staff,

Since this is continuing to be a problem for me, a Fedora 33 user, I did a bit of web searching and ran across this in the systemd Github: https://github.com/poettering/systemd/blob/resolved-vpn-doc/docs/RESOLVED-VPNS.md

Have you seen this document? Apparently, the systemd-resolved authors are aware of the problems users are encountering with VPN-related DNS leaks and think that they are not bugs in the resolver, but that they are configuration issues. It would really be great if one of your pros could take a look at that doc and gave us their thoughts on what it would take to make the Eddie client(s) compatible with this resolver in addition to their current approach using /etc/resolv.conf. :)

I only ask because on my F33 workstation, I've had problems getting the later versions of Hummingbird to work, either standalone or from Eddie. (Although I confess that I haven't tried again for the release version of it.)




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Regarding systemd-resolved, it's disabled, including the symlink to /etc/resolv.conf.  If I start Eddie with Hummingbird, the warnings still persist which would indicate the issue(s) go beyond the mere existence of systemd-resolved


Once again: the warnings you get are not an issue, they are intended and expected, and they must appear for the already mentioned reasons. HB 1.1.1. does not print them only because they were not implemented at that time, but Eddie invokes HB in the same way, so you should not use 1.1.1.

You can safely run Eddie + Hummingbird 1.1.2 when you don't run systemd-resolved  or when you run systemd-resolved configured to respect /etc/resolv.conf .- otherwise you must run Hummingbird alone, or Bluetit+Goldcrest.

If the other issue re-occurs (that's the one unexpected issue) please do not forget to save the log, thanks in advance!


Both Bluetit and Hummingbird can handle swiftly DNS push & restore in Fedora 33 and 34, and in general under any systemd-resolved configuration (including the Windows-ish one Fedora picked as a default setting since 33 release). Fedora 34 is one of our primary development and testing environments so we are confident that you will have no problems at all with the new AirVPN Suite 1.1.0, but of course feel free to report.

Kind regards


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