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Cant get the Tap32 adapter to install. Win 10

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I tried to run the eddie client and it fails when it tries to update the tunnel tap32 adapter. I downloaded the latest openvpn package that is supposed to install the tap32 adapter but the installation hangs when it gets to installing the tap32. I tried so many guides, updating all drivers, uninstalling all firewalls, vpns. Resetting all ip settings in cmd. I went to add tap32 adapter in windows, and it looks like it adds one but under device manager it says unknown device under the network adapters. I then try to update its drivers, but it fails and says an error has occurred and cannot update. Ive googled a lot and most forum post lead to no where or to guides where Ive already followed every step. The last post i read said its a known issue with windows 10 and no fix yet....Not sure what else to do.

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I assumed you haven't tried uninstalling TAP based on your post? If you have not tried this, try to uninstall TAP. Then check Device Manager to make sure TAP-Windows is removed from the list. If there are remaining of them, remove them by right-clicking the TAP name and click "Uninstall Device". Then try to load up Eddie again and it will do the process to check TAP and install TAP.

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Yes, I have uninstalled everything including the Tap32 and any copies that were in the device list. Even the registry files. I get the same error while trying to reinstall using the openvpn exe. And also when I tried using eddie, the same error came up. Cannot find the tap32 tunnel 0901 adapter and eddie just loops and tries to install it again over and over.

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We have multiple reports from several customers that show your very same problem. We paste below a solution from the support team which so far has worked fine for most of those customers.

Kind regards

Please make sure that no antivirus or packet filtering tool interfere.

Then, we recommend a test with the wintun driver (a new driver for the virtual tun/tap network adapter used by OpenVPN). It is remarkably more efficient than the TAP-Windows driver and it should also resolve the problem you are experiencing now.

1) Install OpenVPN 2.5 tech preview with wintun driver. You can download it from here:

Please make sure that the installer installs the wintun driver too.

2) Configure Eddie to run the new OpenVPN you have installed:
  •  from Eddie's main window select "Preferences" > "Advanced"
  •  in "OpenVPN custom path" select the proper OpenVPN binary file you have installed in point 1, through the file requester (by default and assuming that your HDD is C, it will be C:/Program Files/openvpn/bin/openvpn.exe)
  •  click "Save"
3) Configure Eddie to send a directive to OpenVPN to use the wintun driver:
  • select "Preferences" > "OVPN Directives" from Eddie's main window
  • in the directives field enter the following line:
  • windows-driver wintun
  • press ENTER at the end of the line
  • click "Save"
Test again connections to AirVPN servers via Eddie. Make sure to pick servers with high bandwidth availability, check in Eddie "Servers" window or here https://airvpn.org/status

Kind regards

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Thank you very much it worked. Just one note, uncheck the tap32 adapter option when you run the OpenVPN 2.5 installer. And make sure wintun is checked. I also got an error after doing these steps. When I connected with eddie it gave me an options error, cannot find xxxx in file:///C:/Users/Yourcompname-Main/AppData/Local/Eddie/. Just delete the default eddie config file and then try loading eddie again. I guess I had old settings in there from when I tried to install it the day before. After that everything worked. Another suggestion, I half know what I'm doing but I can see for complete noobs, they wouldn't know these basic steps. Let alone what Openvpn is or why they need to install it because it doesn't really give any summary. I feel this should be stated in the basic steps under the FAQ unless I missed it. Also where to put the server config files in the open vpn folder in c:program files/openvpn. Its obvious but I wouldn't of known if I hadn't done this before.

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