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AirVPN on Nas Asustor disconnected

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J'ai configuré AirVPN en OpenVPN sur mon Nas Asustor (AS6204T) (https://www.asustor.com/en/online/College_topic?topic=322) et cela fonctionne très bien, malheureusement le VPN se déconnecte rapidement (au bout d'une heure environ).

Je ne comprend pas pourquoi il se déconnecte et si quelqu'un a une idée pour qu'il reste connecté, sa m'intéresse.




I configured AirVPN to OpenVPN on my Nas Asustor (AS6204T) (https://www.asustor.com/en/online/College_topic?topic=322) and it works very well, unfortunately the VPN disconnects quickly (at the end about an hour).

I don't understand why he disconnects and if someone has an idea for him to stay connected, his interests me.


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2 hours ago, fabien said:

at the end about an hour

Even without the logs I'd say there is a problem with key renewal which is happening every 60 minutes. But the logs will tell us more, so paste them here, preferably in LOG format (top left button of post editor).


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

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Bonjour giganerd,

C'est une bonne idée, malheureusement le nas asustor n'a aucun log concernant la connexion VPN car il n'y a pas d'application AirVPN pour les NAS asustor, j'utilise donc le système de connexion VPN intégré au NAS avec le fichier OpenVPN généré par le générateur de configuration AirVPN.
Je ne peux pas vous transmettre un fichier de log qui n'existe pas.

Je viens de réagir que j'ai un antivirus Avast actif sur le NAS, je vais tester de le désactiver.

Hello giganerd,

It's a good idea, unfortunately the nas asustor has no log regarding the VPN connection because there is no AirVPN application for asustor NAS, so I use the VPN connection system integrated into the NAS with the OpenVPN file generated by AirVPN config generator.
I cannot send log file that does not exist.

I just reacted I have an Avast antivirus active on the NAS, I will test to deactivate it.

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2 hours ago, fabien said:

I cannot send log file that does not exist.

I refuse to believe it. OpenVPN always writes logs somewhere, even if it's /var/messages. Do you have SSH access to the machine? Maybe there is a clue in the NAS manufacturer's documentation?


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Il y a des journaux mais aucun qui concerne la connexion VPN, les journaux concerne le DDNS, l'état des disques dur et des connexions active.
Ci-dessous le lien vers la documentation du NAS, je viens de vérifier sur la connexion admin et je ne trouve pas.


There are logs but none for VPN connection, logs for DDNS, hard drive status and active connections.
Below is the link to the NAS documentation, I just checked on the admin connection and I can't find it.

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Found something in the OpenVPN manual.

Generate an OpenVPN config, then add a directive where to write the logs:

log-append /path/to/a/location/which/you/can/access/the/way/you/access/all/your/files

Maybe also change the verb directive from 3 to 4 for a bit more thorough output. After this reimport the config into the NAS, reconnect and then upload it here.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Hi fabien,
I am trying to setup airvpn on my asustor nas as well, were there any specific steps you used to get it working correctly? I tried generating an openvpn config and importing it (the .ovpn file) with the america.vpn.airdns.org server, and username/password of airvpn, with UDP port 443 (I have also tried using only the ca.crt file also, by generating the .ovpn file and the certs and keys separately on the config generator, but this didn't work either)  

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On 7/23/2024 at 6:31 PM, tornadoalpha said:

and username/password of airvpn,


This is an error: in AirVPN the authentication takes place via certificates and keys. Please disable the username/password authentication.

Kind regards

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