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Issue with eddie-ui -cli -netlock on raspbian

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I'm on raspberry 3 with raspbian buster lite (without ui) and I'm using eddie-ui -cli command line and syntax.
My problem is that I'm not able to use eddie-ui witht Network Lock.

First I was dealing with the stable eddie-ui 2.16.3.
I ran it with -netlock and -connect option and :
- the first time I've launched it, it worked fine (auto activation of network lock + auto sign in to airvpn + fast connection to a server after I've pressed the "n" key)
- the second and next times I've launched it, it stucked just after "Activation of network lock" on the "Updating systems & servers data" message.

Then I've decided to replace eddie-ui by the testing release.
I ran it with the same options.
Same story :
- the first time I've launched all worked pretty smooth.
- the second and next times I've launched it, it stucked after I press the "n" key on the "Server switch requested from keyboard" message.

You can see the whole verbose bellow. The shutdown ends up with an error message but I don't think it is linked to my issue.

Can you please help me to understand/fix what's happening ?

 sudo eddie-ui -cli -login=****** -password=****** -connect -netlock
. 2019.10.02 21:57:38 - Eddie version: 2.18.4beta / linux_unknown, System: Linux, Name: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 \n \l, Version: Linux raspberrypi 4.19.75+ #1270 Tue Sep 24 18:38:54 BST 2019 armv6l GNU/Linux, Mono/.Net: (Debian Sat Apr 20 05:16:08 UTC 2019); Framework: v4.0.30319
. 2019.10.02 21:57:38 - Command line arguments (7): path.resources="/usr/share/eddie-ui" path.exec="/usr/bin/eddie-ui" cli="True" login="******" password="******" connect="True" netlock="True"
. 2019.10.02 21:57:41 - Raise system privileges
. 2019.10.02 21:57:43 - Elevated: __Shell, path: which
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Elevated: __Shell, arg: lsof
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Elevated: __Shell, exitcode: 1
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Elevated: __Shell, stdout:
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Elevated: __Shell, stderr:
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Elevated: __Shell, path: which
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Elevated: __Shell, arg: lsof
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Elevated: __Shell, exitcode: 1
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Elevated: __Shell, stdout:
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Elevated: __Shell, stderr:
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Elevated: Command:session-key
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Elevated: Command:compatibility-profiles
. 2019.10.02 21:57:44 - Profile path: /usr/lib/eddie-ui/default.profile
. 2019.10.02 21:57:57 - Reading options from /usr/lib/eddie-ui/default.profile
. 2019.10.02 21:58:17 - OpenVPN Driver - Found, /dev/net/tun
. 2019.10.02 21:58:17 - OpenVPN - Version: 2.4.7 - OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019, LZO 2.10 (/usr/sbin/openvpn)
. 2019.10.02 21:58:17 - SSH - Version: OpenSSH_7.9p1 Raspbian-10, OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019 (/usr/bin/ssh)
. 2019.10.02 21:58:17 - SSL - Version: stunnel 5.50 (/usr/bin/stunnel4)
. 2019.10.02 21:58:17 - curl - Version: 7.64.0 (/usr/bin/curl)
. 2019.10.02 21:58:17 - Certification Authorities: /usr/share/eddie-ui/cacert.pem
! 2019.10.02 21:58:24 - Activation of Network Lock - Linux iptables
I 2019.10.02 21:58:25 - Press 'X' to Cancel, 'N' to connect/reconnect to the best available server.
I 2019.10.02 21:58:25 - Ready
I 2019.10.02 21:58:25 - Checking login ...
! 2019.10.02 21:58:27 - Logged in.
I 2019.10.02 21:58:36 - Session starting.
. 2019.10.02 21:58:37 - Collect information about providers ...
. 2019.10.02 21:58:38 - Collect information about AirVPN completed
// I press "N"
I 2019.10.02 21:59:36 - Server switch requested from keyboard.
// This is where it hangs (I've waited for more than 10 minutes)
// I press CTRL+C to exit properly

. 2019.10.02 22:11:08 - Received signal SIGINT
. 2019.10.02 22:11:08 - Shutdown in progress
I 2019.10.02 22:11:08 - Cancel requested.
! 2019.10.02 22:11:08 - Session terminated.
. 2019.10.02 22:11:09 - Deactivation of Network Lock
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  at Eddie.Core.Engine.OnRefreshUi (Eddie.Core.Engine+RefreshUiMode mode) [0x002c4] in <9d035fa996b546d1b70c3fbbe2ffaae9>:0
  at Eddie.Core.Engine.DeAuth () [0x00037] in <9d035fa996b546d1b70c3fbbe2ffaae9>:0
  at Eddie.Core.Engine.OnDeInit2 () [0x00020] in <9d035fa996b546d1b70c3fbbe2ffaae9>:0
  at Eddie.Core.Engine.MainStepDeInit () [0x00027] in <9d035fa996b546d1b70c3fbbe2ffaae9>:0
  at Eddie.Core.Engine.OnRun () [0x00016] in <9d035fa996b546d1b70c3fbbe2ffaae9>:0
  at Eddie.Core.Thread.DoRun () [0x00000] in <9d035fa996b546d1b70c3fbbe2ffaae9>:0
  at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00017] in <d0e12f672b88444ab4b6d9b2ecf20142>:0
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x0008d] in <d0e12f672b88444ab4b6d9b2ecf20142>:0
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in <d0e12f672b88444ab4b6d9b2ecf20142>:0
  at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00031] in <d0e12f672b88444ab4b6d9b2ecf20142>:0
  at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x0000b] in <d0e12f672b88444ab4b6d9b2ecf20142>:0


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Ok, I will, but this is more a ask for assistance than a bug report. The issue I describe is not exclusively relative to 2.18. I got similar situation with stable ans testing release.

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