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ANSWERED AirVPN on QNAP & slow torrents

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ok, I've tried... but even after reading the support materials and forum posts here I'm still not able to get torrents to work. Download speeds, when I'm able to get a packet or two through, are in the single- to double-digit Kb/s.

Where I'm at:

QNAP NAS running current firmware and QVPN client, with an OpenVPN connection profile generated via the AirVPN client area, using one of the ports in the TLS range. Port forwarded through that same client area, with a successful TCP Test, NO port forwarding on my Asus RT-AC68U router. Using Transmission as my torrent client, listening on the forwarded port, which indicated the listed port is 'open'. Port forwarding and uTP are disabled in Transmission, encryption is set to 'allow' (vs. 'prefer' or 'require', the only two other options).

When I visit ipleak.net and use the magnet link for torrent address detection, Transmission shows that the 'Tracker returned a warning', but lists the AirVPN IP address I'm connected to on the NAS. The same address, as well as the correct forwarded port, show up in the ipleak.net Torrent Address Detection results. I don't know what the expected behavior is of that test torrent, and if it's supposed to actually download a test file. In my case, it's stuck on 'retrieving metadata'.

What am I missing? Why am I not able to download torrent files, while I'm not having any issues with NZB downloads? Is it possible that my ISP is doing some sort of detection and throttling torrent downloads, despite this setup?

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ugh... ok nevermind. I figured I'd try creating yet another connection profile using a different port (again one using tls-crypt), and problem is solved. I can only figure that it's a bit of a luck of the draw on which ports my ISP monitors for torrent traffic.

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Your ISP can't detect the traffic type (protocol, application) in the VPN tunnel. Also, your ISP can't detect remote ports for your incoming connections, those are VPN servers ports and your local network interface ports. When the traffic passes through your ISP network it's still or already encrypted.

Kind regards

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