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ANSWERED Today problem login Eddie and access to AirVPN website

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I wanted to renew my subscription but today i can't login with Eddie et i can't access to AirVPN website directly fron my ISP (french ISP : Free)

1) first when i wanted to login i had this error message :


2) i closed Eddie and i tried again and impossible to run Eddie, i have this message :


3) directly from my iSP (so with my true IP) i can't access to AirVPN website, i tried with Firefox and with Opera.

BUT with Opera AND its free VPN activated ... i can access to your website and forum !

I have this problen only to access AirVPN site, no problem to go to other websites.

I changed nothing in the parameters of my Windows (Seven) or in the parameters of the Windows Firewall (activated).

Do you have an idea of the origin of this problem ?

Thanks ...

P.S : sorry for ... my bad english !

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I just uninstalled completely Eddie, restart my computer et installed again Eddie (2.16.3) and ... same error message, i can't login !

I tried with my laptot (with Windows 8 ) and ... same problem, impossible to login with Eddie and impossible to go to AirVPN website without VPN (with Firefox and Opera).

I don't understand what is happening ...

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I have this same issue, my account had expired, I renewed and then tried to re-connect and got  the 'Unexpected error' you are getting. I also uninstalled, rebooted and still getting the same error.

I will do some searching but if ayone knows of a solution would be great to hear from you.

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Connected to my box internet by WI-FI  i have a "home" computer, a laptop and sometimes my smartphone.

- connected in the same way (Wi-Fi protected access), the laptop and the "homme" computer have the same IP address : impossible to go to the AirVPN website, impossible to login with Eddie
- connected to the same Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi protected access) my smartphone (without VPN) has ... another IP address and i can go to the AirVPN website ! I didn't try Eddie and the VPN with my smartphone.

So, i think that my problem is between the IP address given to my computers by my ISP and AirVPN but i don"t understand why because it's always the same IP address.

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Reading some topics i see that there is another AirVPN website : airvpn.info. 

Is airvpn.info a true site of Airvpn ?

I ask this because i can go to airvpn.info with my true IP address (i didn't try to login in).

But ... i can not go to airvpn.org (with my true IP address).

Why do i have this problem with the first site ( .org) and not with the second site ( .info) ?

Today always impossible to login in Eddie ... always the same error message.

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.info is a fallback. It's advisable to always use .org, but I've used .info on some occasions in the past and it worked.

8 hours ago, Tiloup40 said:

- connected in the same way (Wi-Fi protected access), the laptop and the "homme" computer have the same IP address : impossible to go to the AirVPN website, impossible to login with Eddie
- connected to the same Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi protected access) my smartphone (without VPN) has ... another IP address and i can go to the AirVPN website ! I didn't try Eddie and the VPN with my smartphone.

Sorry, I don't understand. Is this while you are connected to an AirVPN server?
18 hours ago, Shazwad said:

I have this same issue, my account had expired, I renewed and then tried to re-connect and got  the 'Unexpected error' you are getting. I also uninstalled, rebooted and still getting the same error.

I will do some searching but if ayone knows of a solution would be great to hear from you.

I believe I've heard this once or twice but only in connection with older Eddie versions. Are you on latest stable v2.16.3?


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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10 hours ago, Tiloup40 said:

- connected in the same way (Wi-Fi protected access), the laptop and the "homme" computer have the same IP address : impossible to go to the AirVPN website, impossible to login with Eddie
- connected to the same Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi protected access) my smartphone (without VPN) has ... another IP address and i can go to the AirVPN website ! I didn't try Eddie and the VPN with my smartphone.

1 hour ago, giganerd said:

Sorry, I don't understand. Is this while you are connected to an AirVPN server?

No, no ... it happens without connection to an AirVPN server , When i write "Wi-Fi protected access" i talk about my personal Wi-Fi access that is protected (WPA)

Screens in Windows of my Wi-Fi :



I summarize :

- without VPN (and so with the IP address given by my ISP) : i can not access to airvpn.org but i can access to airvpn.info 
- with Opera and its free VPN or with my smartphone : i can access to airvpn.org

- and as show in the picture in my first message i also have a problem to login in Eddie (2.16.3).

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Okay. While not connected to AirVPN, can you please set the DNS server of your primary network interface on some computer to and try to browse to airvpn.org again?
If you can, revert back to DHCP/automatic, then open a Command Prompt and enter

nslookup airvpn.org
I'm interested in the output of this command.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Im having the exact same issue and get the same error as you.  Been using AirVPN for years and not one issue, but suddenly I cant access it.  I have tried on multiple computers and same result.  I hope this is addressed or I will be forced to cancel my subscription and find a new VPN that actually works.

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18 hours ago, giganerd said:

Okay. While not connected to AirVPN, can you please set the DNS server of your primary network interface on some computer to and try to browse to airvpn.org again?
If you can, revert back to DHCP/automatic, then open a Command Prompt and enter

nslookup airvpn.org
I'm interested in the output of this command.

I already tried alternative DNS, i used DNS from OpenNick Project .... no change, impossible to access airvpn.org
I also tried  and .... no change.

I reverted back to DHCP automatic, open the Command prompt and enter "nslookup airvpn.org" : i had a quick DOS windows and nothing changed.

Only airvpn.info is OK

I send a request to the support ....
7 hours ago, sarge0341 said:

Im having the exact same issue and get the same error as you.  Been using AirVPN for years and not one issue, but suddenly I cant access it.  I have tried on multiple computers and same result.  I hope this is addressed or I will be forced to cancel my subscription and find a new VPN that actually works.

Sarge0341 : send a message to the support, they will answer you quickly  ... "Client Area" --> More" --> "Support Requests"

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2 hours ago, Tiloup40 said:

I reverted back to DHCP automatic, open the Command prompt and enter "nslookup airvpn.org" : i had a quick DOS windows and nothing changed.

That doesn't sound right. It should print something like this:
$ nslookup airvpn.org

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:   airvpn.org
Name:   airvpn.org
Address: 2001:41d0:a:6034::


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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If i open the Comment prompt and enter "nslookup airvpn.org"  the windows opens et closes quickly and i can't read what is written ...

If i open the Command prompt nslookup and after enter "airvpn.org" in the windows i have this :


Sorry, i'm not a ..... specialist.

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I'm having the exact same problem. I've tried the software on two more computers that have never ran it before and they're having the same problem. My nslookup is the same as Tiloup40's

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For the impossibility to log into Eddie ... problem resolved by the support.

Great thanks to the staff for its serious !

About my problem to access to airvpn.org it's not very important, if i need i can access to the other site airvpn.info.

Thanks for your help !

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The problem doesn't occur anymore, but if you still experience the issue, probably Eddie won't open again for a corrupt configuration file.

If you use Windows version, download and launch this hotfix .
Otherwise, please delete default.xml file (on Linux and Mac it's located in ~/.airvpn/default.xml).

At the next run, Eddie will re-create a configuration file with default settings. You will need to enter again your AirVPN credentials.

Kind regards

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