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AirVPN and Hamachi

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Is it possible to connect to Hamachi through AirVPN on the same Windows 7 machine? I need to have my connection first routed through AirVPN before going through Hamachi, so that Hamachi only sees AirVPN's IP.

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Is it possible to connect to Hamachi through AirVPN on the same Windows 7 machine? I need to have my connection first routed through AirVPN before going through Hamachi, so that Hamachi only sees AirVPN's IP.


As far as this admin knows it's not possible, because Hamachi client installs and uses a virtual network adapter (similarly to what OpenVPN does with the TUN/TAP adapter). So you just can't tell OpenVPN to connect over Hamachi, as you would normally do with a socks or http proxy, or if you wished to tunnel over OpenVPN over SSL and SSH. The most obvious solution that comes to mind would consist of a separate server which acts as an Hamachi client and an OpenVPN or ssh server, and then your device connects to that server via ssh or via OpenVPN. Hamachi would therefore see the IP address of the separate server.

However, the knowledge of this admin about Hamachi is limited, so your question will be passed over to another admin for further evaluation in the next days.

Kind regards

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I have a second Win7 box setup now, both are connected to the same router. My plan is to have Hamachi on PC1 and AirVPN on PC2 and route PC1's connection through PC2, but I'm not sure how to do this. Do I need to rewire the network physically with a crossover cable so they are in series, or is there a way to do this without modifying my network wiring? I am trying ICS, but PC1 is ignoring it since it has it's own direct connection (I assume..).

I have had success with hamachi inside a virtual machine while the host has the VPN, but I need hamachi outside of my VM.

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Is it possible to connect to Hamachi through AirVPN on the same Windows 7 machine? I need to have my connection first routed through AirVPN before going through Hamachi, so that Hamachi only sees AirVPN's IP.


In order to prevent Hamachi nodes to see your real IP address you need to tunnel over Hamachi over OpenVPN (not OpenVPN over Hamachi). With two computers or a computer with two physical network cards you should be able to accomplish the task. Computer A acts as an Air client and a gateway for computer B. Computer B connects to computer A and launches the Hamachi client. In this way our servers will see encrypted by Hamachi traffic, while Hamachi nodes will see the exit-IP address of one of our servers.

EDIT: according to one of our users, computer B may also be a Virtual Machine guest hosted in computer A (thank you bartek).

Just in case you have a DD-WRT or Tomato router, you can do just the same: connect the router to an Air server, then run Hamachi client on one computer which is connected to the router.

This is pure theory, none of us has tried the setup. Unfortunately Hamachi is proprietary and not well documented software, so some trial-and-error process might be necessary.

Kind regards

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My current wiring setup is: PC1 -> crossover cable -> PC2 with airvpn -> wireless -> router

PC1 can connect to the internet, but PC2 gives me "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel." when I attempt to connect to airvpn, even when the wired adapter is disabled. I have not used airvpn on this PC before so I feel it's a separate problem, maybe something to do with the wireless. Neither PC has dual-LAN.

My router apparently does support dd-wrt, but I have no experience with that. I have a quick question about it. Would I be able to selectively route devices/IPs through airvpn or is it all-or-nothing?

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1/13/2007 - 1:29 AM AirVPN client version: 1.7

1/13/2007 - 1:29 AM Reading options from C:\Users\2\AppData\Roaming\AirVPN\Air\\AirVPN.xml

1/13/2007 - 1:29 AM OpenVPN bundle version: OpenVPN 2.2.2

1/13/2007 - 1:29 AM OpenVPN current version: OpenVPN 2.2.2

1/13/2007 - 1:29 AM Ready.

1/13/2007 - 1:29 AM Login...

1/13/2007 - 1:30 AM The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

1/13/2007 - 1:32 AM Login...

1/13/2007 - 1:32 AM The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

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My current wiring setup is: PC1 -> crossover cable -> PC2 with airvpn -> wireless -> router

PC1 can connect to the internet, but PC2 gives me "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel." when I attempt to connect to airvpn, even when the wired adapter is disabled. I have not used airvpn on this PC before so I feel it's a separate problem, maybe something to do with the wireless. Neither PC has dual-LAN.


Yes, probably it's a different problem, please send us the logs in case you won't solve it.

My router apparently does support dd-wrt, but I have no experience with that. I have a quick question about it. Would I be able to selectively route devices/IPs through airvpn or is it all-or-nothing?

Our servers will push routes to tunnel ALL the traffic. You will have to modify the routing table or reject our servers push (with nopull directive) and then build carefully your own routing table in order to "split" traffic. DD-WRT also lets you select which devices on your WAN will use the tunnel and which not.

Kind regards

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DD-WRT also lets you select which devices on your WAN will use the tunnel and which not.

Kind regards

Ahhhhhhhh this is perfect, I did not know this. I thought it would be for the entire router. That makes this whole thing a lot easier. I posted the logs a few min ago but it hasn't shown up yet, but there's no info about the error in them. Thanks for the help.

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1/13/2007 - 1:30 AM The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.


During the login phase, airvpn.exe establishes an SSL/TLS connection with airvpn.org. It seems that your system does not trust the airvpn.org certificate.

Kind regards

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DD-WRT also lets you select which devices on your WAN will use the tunnel and which not.

Kind regards

Ahhhhhhhh this is perfect, I did not know this. I thought it would be for the entire router. That makes this whole thing a lot easier.


Yes, DD-WRT supports Policy Based Routing with multiple routing tables. If you're curious, start from here to get an idea:


and then have a look here:


So you might say, for example, that uses the tunnel, while does not.

Kind regards

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