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New, improved configuration generator

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We're very glad to introduce native support for OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH, and a completely re-designed configuration generator which includes exciting, additional AirVPN services and features. Our service becomes more censorship resistant and easier to use with a wide range of OpenVPN GUIs and wrappers.


OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH will allow you to bypass OpenVPN connections disruption. Known ISP countries where the disruption takes place are China, Iran, Syria, Egypt. The connection disruption is possible because OpenVPN connections have a typical fingerprint which lets Deep Packet Inspection discern them from pure SSL/TLS connections. Connecting OpenVPN over SSL or OpenVPN over SSH will make your connection undiscernable from pure SSL or SSH connections, rendering DPI fingerprint identification powerless.

OpenVPN over SSL/SSH is included in every Premium subscription without any additional payment.

Use OpenVPN over SSL/SSH only when necessary: a slight performance hit is the price to pay. The performance hit is kept as low as possible because the "double-tunneling" is performed directly on our servers without additional hops.


A new system for host resolution (not available for Windows) and dynamic VPN server choice is available. This will let you have OpenVPN configuration files which will try connections to various servers (according to your preferences) if one or more servers are unavailable.

A new connection port (2018) is now available on all Air VPN servers.

A new, alternative entry-IP address is now available on all Air VPN servers.


- You can now select servers by countries, continents and planets (currently only one planet) or any combination between single servers and countries.

- You can now select an alternative entry-IP address. Each Air server has now an additional entry-IP address to help you bypass IP blocking.

- You can now choose a wide variety of compressing options: zip, 7zip, tar, tar & gzip, tar & bzip2.

- You can now choose not to compress the files and download them uncompressed one by one


- Total connection ports range available, including new port 2018 in addition to 53, 80, 443 and (for SSH) 22.

- Option to generate non-embedded configuration files, mandatory if you use network-manager as OpenVPN wrapper under Linux or just in case you use any wrapper that does not support embedded with certificates and keys OpenVPN configurations.

- Option to generate files and scripts for OpenVPN over SSL/SSH connections by clicking on "Advanced Mode"

- Option to select "Windows" or "Linux and others". Make sure you select the correct option according to your OS, because connections over SSL/SSH in Windows require different files than those required for Linux, *BSD and Unix-like / POSIX compliant systems such as Mac OSX.

- New options to generate configuration files that support proxy authentication for OpenVPN over a proxy connections, particularly useful if you're behind a corporate or college proxy which requires authentication. A significant example of usage of OpenVPN over a proxy is OpenVPN over TOR: https://airvpn.org/tor

Instruction page for OpenVPN over SSL: https://airvpn.org/ssl
Instruction page for OpenVPN over SSH: https://airvpn.org/ssh

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.

Kind regards & Datalove
AirVPN admins

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I know this is probably a stupid question, but where exactly is the "new configuration generator"? I would normally assume you meant it was part of the vpn clients, but I'm not seeing any newer dates attached to your software downloads....

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I know this is probably a stupid question, but where exactly is the "new configuration generator"? I would normally assume you meant it was part of the vpn clients, but I'm not seeing any newer dates attached to your software downloads....




The new configuration generator is available in menu "Client Area"->"Config generator" (on the left tabs), direct link:



OpenVPN clients need certificates, keys and configuration to run. You can download all of them, in any combination of server/ports/protocols, with the configuration generator.


Kind regards

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Love it! Thanks. Be aware that OpenVPN GUI for Windows only allows a max of 50 entries. One question: I've tried both the separate certs and the embedded ones...they both work fine. Why would one choose embedded .vs separate? Is there any difference related to security, etc...?

Thanks Air!


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Love it! Thanks. Be aware that OpenVPN GUI for Windows only allows a max of 50 entries. One question: I've tried both the separate certs and the embedded ones...they both work fine. Why would one choose embedded .vs separate? Is there any difference related to security, etc...?

Thanks Air!



There is no difference in security. We offer both options to meet a wider range of tastes and needs.

Kind regards

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i cant acces the page .. on config generator ? who once to help me to create a config .. please attach if possible ..

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Hi, I have the same problem. Once accessing config generator I get blank page. I'm using Firefox. Pls help.

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In the new system, the configuration generator is accessible in menu "Client Area". Click on "Client Area" on the upper menu, then click on "Config generator" in the left tabs. Direct link (while you're logged in):



Old previous post has been edited to reflect the changes in the new system, we apologize for the inconvenience.This thread was outdated (it refers to the new configuration generator of Aug 2012, since then it changed again). Now the thread and the links are on-sync.


Kind regards

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