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Comodo Firewall Settings

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I have done a number of tests and have narrowed down the current forwarded port in my account IS being blocked somehow by Comodo. I got the port to go green only when the Comodo firewall was disabled...

Please can you supply the exact settings to allow a green port even with Comodo on? I am aware you should not forward the port, as advised... But I need a green port for sharing via P2P.

I am on Windows 64bit and the Windows firewall is 100% disabled.

Thank you...

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I have done a number of tests and have narrowed down the current forwarded port in my account IS being blocked somehow by Comodo. I got the port to go green only when the Comodo firewall was disabled...

Please can you supply the exact settings to allow a green port even with Comodo on? I am aware you should not forward the port, as advised... But I need a green port for sharing via P2P.

I am on Windows 64bit and the Windows firewall is 100% disabled.

Thank you...


First of all, please make sure that the service listening to that port is authorized by Comodo to receive and send packets (you might want to add it to the "Trusted Applications" list).

Then, please make sure that on the TAP-Win32 interface there are no blocked ports.

Kind regards

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Thank you for your response,

I can confirm that the application/service which is utorrent in this case is currently set to a trusted application.

However I do not know how to check the TAP-Win32 interface for blocked ports?

Sorry about this, I would appreciate any help. I have looked in the forum but could not find an answer.

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Thank you for your response,

I can confirm that the application/service which is utorrent in this case is currently set to a trusted application.

However I do not know how to check the TAP-Win32 interface for blocked ports?

Sorry about this, I would appreciate any help. I have looked in the forum but could not find an answer.


In the "Firewall" settings, please select "Network Security Policy" and check your "Global Rules". You can relate the name given by Comodo (for example "Home #1") to the various interfaces of your system in the tab "Network Zones". We can confirm you that uTorrent and port forwarding work correctly on all the servers (most recent checks: Draconis, Castor, Lyra, Cygnus - a few minutes before this message).

You might also perform the following quick check: connect to a server and a port you never connected before. Comodo will ask you how it should handle this new Network Zone, tell it that you're "Home", then check whether uTorrent gets a green token and passes its internal port test.

Kind regards

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Sorry, the link is broken. Please find the image in this post.

This very same rule can be applied to any application that you want to blocked when you are disconnected from the VPN. Since svchost.exe is responsible (among many other things) for DNS queries, with this rule you will block any DNS leak. Please note that you will not be able to reconnect to the VPN in case you use the Air client (because it needs to resolve the domain name airvpn.org in order to show you the server list and download via TLS certificates, key and configuration) so please just add the following line to your hosts file: airvpn.org

You don't need to add the above line if you use OpenVPN or any OpenVPN GUI/wrapper.

Kind regards


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