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Eddie Android edition 2.0 released

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Thank you ProMIND for Eddie Android edition 2.0. Much appreciated.




Checking within Eddie Android edition whether there is another VPN app taking control can be improved. My tuppence worth ;)


Thank you very much for your feedback and thorough report. ProMIND thanks you back.


Understood. You talk about two separate issues. They are both under consideration for a resolutive implementation in a future Eddie version.


In the first case, it's the OS that revokes from any already running VPN application the permission to operate the VPN connection when another application instantiates the VPN class. The different behavior you noticed is confirmed and is caused by the fact that Eddie instantiates VPN class at launch or at focus, and not when a VPN connection is required by the user.


The second issue requires an implementation from scratch in order to catch new kind of events and take actions accordingly. It has been planned as well.


In the meantime, always remember (we write it for the readers too) that running in parallel multiple OpenVPN based applications (or multiple OpenVPN instances) is a risky business on any system if you don't know exactly what you're doing.


Kind regards

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Thank you very much for your feedback and thorough report. ProMIND thanks you back.


Understood. You talk about two separate issues. They are both under consideration for a resolutive implementation in a future Eddie version.



The second issue requires an implementation from scratch in order to catch new kind of events and take actions accordingly. It has been planned as well.


Thank you kindly for listening and your understanding. I greatly anticipate your future Eddie version(s)



In the meantime, always remember (we write it for the readers too) that running in parallel multiple OpenVPN based applications (or multiple OpenVPN instances) is a risky business on any system if you don't know exactly what you're doing.


Kind regards


Of course, duly noted.


Best regards,


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Profile option within 'AirVPN Server Settings' values are reversed when connecting from AIRVPN SERVER -tab

However the QUICK CONNECT -tab Profile option shows correctly in CONNECTION -tab.


For example: when set to 'Mobile Phone' it shows up as 'Laptop' in CONNECTION -tab. And when set as 'Laptop' it shows as 'Mobile Phone'. The values are reversed.





We can't reproduce the issue: we see no difference between "Quick" and "Server" connection views reports. However we are not sure we have understood correctly what you mean. Would you like to elaborate?


Kind regards

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We can't reproduce the issue: we see no difference between "Quick" and "Server" connection views reports. However we are not sure we have understood correctly what you mean. Would you like to elaborate?


Two devices (profiles):

  - Laptop

  - Mobile Phone


The Profile drop-down box on QUICK CONNECT -tab is correct: I choose Mobile Phone --> Quick Connect --> Profile: Mobile Phone on CONNECTION -tab




The Profile drop-down box under cogwheel on AIRVPN SERVER -tab reverses the values:

  • I choose Mobile Phone --> Connect Server --> Profile: Laptop on CONNECTION -tab
  • I choose Laptop --> Connect Server --> Profile: Mobile Phone on CONNECTION -tab

Minor cosmetic error, perhaps some string parameter(s) got reversed in code.

The behaviour described above is also observed in on-line Client Area of the AirVPN website.

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For your consideration

[i know I am sweating the small stuff now ]


Are the following pop-ups entirely necessary?



For me this is what the CONNECTION -tab is already giving me.



It saves another finger-press acknowledging the popup OK-button. Besides for those who like the extra acknowledgement; that's what Eddie Notifications can do for you already. Urgent Make sound and pop up on screen


I'll admit this is just cosmetics. Or is it?

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  • I choose Mobile Phone --> Connect Server --> Profile: Laptop on CONNECTION -tab
  • I choose Laptop --> Connect Server --> Profile: Mobile Phone on CONNECTION -tab
Minor cosmetic error, perhaps some string parameter(s) got reversed in code.

The behaviour described above is also observed in on-line Client Area of the AirVPN website.




Very strange, we can't reproduce the issue in any way. Everything appears fine on several devices we tested. Everything is correct even in the account "Client Area".


Kind regards

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Are you going to relase Eddie on F-Droid?





That was planned, but we have postponed the release on F-Droid due to some rules in its policy. We will re-consider it in the future. Eddie apk is anyway available in our repository.


Kind regards

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You could create your own F-Droid repo to make updating the app less of a hassle for those who don't use GPlay.


Sent via Tapatalk.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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  • I choose Mobile Phone --> Connect Server --> Profile: Laptop on CONNECTION -tab
  • I choose Laptop --> Connect Server --> Profile: Mobile Phone on CONNECTION -tab
Minor cosmetic error, perhaps some string parameter(s) got reversed in code.

The behaviour described above is also observed in on-line Client Area of the AirVPN website.




Very strange, we can't reproduce the issue in any way. Everything appears fine on several devices we tested. Everything is correct even in the account "Client Area".


Kind regards


Very odd indeed but thank you for taking the time trying to reproduce on several devices. I am consistently able to reproduce 10 out of 10. The update 1.0 -> 2.0 was delivered through the Play Store. Since

  • I have cleared all data
  • reinstalled Eddie Android version 2.0 from Play Store
  • deleted Eddie Android version 2.0
  • reinstalled apk directly from your repository

All with the same outcome every time. What I did notice, and I don't know if this was by design or not, is that both Profile drop-down boxes on QUICK CONNECT -tab and AIRVPN SERVER -tab respectively, are linked i.e. change one and the other changes accordingly to same value.


Still to use your own words to describe Eddie Android: "Version 2.0 is a quantum leap when compared to 1.0"

It is outstanding! Hence thumbs up for that


LineageOS 15.1

Android 8.1.0

28 November 2018

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Since I'm not getting Staff's attention in the troubleshooting forum I'll try here....


I'm unable to access resources on my LAN or use Chromecast when connected via the Android Eddie client. How do I exclude my LAN from being part of the VPN? This feature is available in the desktop windows & Linux versions.
FYI I've tried excluding via route in "Custom directives" and that doesn't work even though the OpenVPN logs say the route is excluded. I'd also like to exclude T-Mobile's /16 so I can make/receive wifi calls not over the VPN.
route net_gateway
Using the regular OpenVPN for Android, I can access LAN resources without a problem however if I enable openvpn 3 experimental, the behavior is the same as Eddie for Android.

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Since I'm not getting Staff's attention in the troubleshooting forum I'll try here....


I'm unable to access resources on my LAN or use Chromecast when connected via the Android Eddie client. How do I exclude my LAN from being part of the VPN? This feature is available in the desktop windows & Linux versions.
FYI I've tried excluding via route in "Custom directives" and that doesn't work even though the OpenVPN logs say the route is excluded. I'd also like to exclude T-Mobile's /16 so I can make/receive wifi calls not over the VPN.
route net_gateway
Using the regular OpenVPN for Android, I can access LAN resources without a problem however if I enable openvpn 3 experimental, the behavior is the same as Eddie for Android.




Currently Eddie Android does not force LAN routing to net_gateway, although this option is being seriously considered for Eddie 2.1. The solution you tried is appropriate but we have detected some unexpected behavior of OpenVPN 3: we are looking into the issue.


Kind regards

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  • Option to define which apps must have traffic inside or outside the VPN tunnel through white and black list

Nice; but I wonder why that option is only available on Android, and not on PC, when Android is a more restricted platform (without root). Unless it is available, and I am missing it.


Currently, I turn off AirVPN for the whole system whenever I need to use VOIP on my Windows PC; I would love to be able to just exclude it from VPN. I see the option to do this for IP addresses, but not for applications.

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  • Option to define which apps must have traffic inside or outside the VPN tunnel through white and black list

Nice; but I wonder why that option is only available on Android, and not on PC, when Android is a more restricted platform (without root). Unless it is available, and I am missing it.




This feature might be implemented in a near future on Linux systems and maybe Mac and *BSD. However, such implementation in Windows is challenging or, perhaps, impossible, unless you think of vicious, deranged solutions like code injections to bind binaries to a certain network interface. The cause lies again on Windows bad architecture: it does not even support features which are nowadays quite obvious in modern systems, such as multiple routing tables.


Going back to GNU/Linux, thanks to cgroups, traffic splitting on an application basis is already available to all AirVPN customers, in the software "Qomui", developed and programmed by corrado, who is also a member of AirVPN community, in Python. Qomui has reached a very good integration with AirVPN.


Please see here:



Kind regards

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