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Eddie takes many minutes to connect (Manjaro, eddie-ui-git from AUR)

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I've got a Manjaro Linux VM that I use with AirVPN.  It doesn't do very much.  It worked fine for a few months, and for a month or two it has not worked fine..


What used to happen is:  Launch Eddie, watch it sing and dance, and then it connects and works fine -- all very quickly.


What happens now:  Launch Eddie, watch it lock the network, and then do nothing for a very long time.  Eventually, it (usually) decides to connect.  This happens every single time I start the VM and launch Eddie.


What changed between:  Normal operating system upgrades and maintenance.


Steps taken:  Upgraded from months-old version to recent beta of Eddie, and then from recent beta to current from git.  No change.


Other thoughts:  The Eddie UI is varyingly unresponsive during the time when it goes out to lunch.


Log excerpt:


. 2018.10.08 14:36:23 - Profile path: /home/xxx/.airvpn/default.xml
. 2018.10.08 14:36:26 - OpenVPN Driver - Found, /dev/net/tun
. 2018.10.08 14:36:26 - OpenVPN - Version: 2.4.6 - OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018, LZO 2.10 (/usr/sbin/openvpn)
. 2018.10.08 14:36:26 - SSH - Version: OpenSSH_7.8p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018 (/usr/sbin/ssh)
W 2018.10.08 14:36:26 - SSL - Not available
. 2018.10.08 14:36:26 - curl - Version: 7.61.1 (/usr/sbin/curl)
. 2018.10.08 14:36:26 - Certification Authorities: /usr/share/eddie-ui/cacert.pem
! 2018.10.08 14:36:26 - Activation of Network Lock - Linux iptables
I 2018.10.08 14:44:37 - Ready

I 2018.10.08 14:44:37 - Session starting.
. 2018.10.08 14:44:37 - Collect information about providers ...
. 2018.10.08 14:44:39 - Collect information about AirVPN completed
I 2018.10.08 14:44:47 - Checking authorization ...

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I also got same problem, though for me it usually freezes only for 1min or so. There is nothing weird in log.(If I remember right iptables calls take ~8ms) 

Currently I just go without auto network lock and auto connect. Then it works instantly.

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If I'm using the git version of Eddie, am I not already using the very latest thing (ie: something even newer than 2.17.2beta)?

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I've also the feeling that it got slower over the time to connect to a server.

Slower like it takes almost 10 minutes slower?  Because that's what I see and it used to always be fast:  Locking the network, logging in, finding a server, connecting, and having data happen was within small quantities of tens-of-seconds at worst.

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