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Alreadt Conected

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Please do something about this stupid already connected crap, I dont pay good money to sit at my PC trying to get something to work that I paid for. ITS A LOAD OF BULL____

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I mean seriously guys. Your business is growing and you need to fix the bugs in your client. I never know if connecting to your service is going to work or not. That's not good. At all. Pathetic that you haven't already addressed it honestly.

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I mean seriously guys. Your business is growing and you need to fix the bugs in your client. I never know if connecting to your service is going to work or not. That's not good. At all. Pathetic that you haven't already addressed it honestly.


The problem has been addressed. Most of the times the problem is on the client side during the handshake. A TCP connection may mitigate it. However, you're right that there are still some issues on the server side which cause an AUTH_FAILED. This is mainly due to how our security system works (no database of any kind on the VPN servers, no communications allowed from the clients to certain servers etc.). We are working to mitigate the problem without compromising security.

Kind regards

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ah thank god. I haven't been able to connect for a week. No chance on a refund?

I connect, it thinks it's connected and then my connection drops.

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Same problem here, still cant connect


Your account "kombikid" appeared connected, active and exchanging data. Are you sure you were not connected from some other device of yours?

Please send us the connection logs as well, at your convenience.

Kind regards

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ah thank god. I haven't been able to connect for a week. No chance on a refund?

I connect, it thinks it's connected and then my connection drops.


Please try a connection to a TCP port to try to solve the connection drops issues.

You can ask for a refund, no questions asked. Please use the "Contact us" form for the request.

Kind regards

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I cannot connect either. When I log into the client and select a server and hit "connect", it gets stuck there and won't connect to the server. It doesn't matter which server I pick, none of them work. My internet is working fine and I haven't made any changes that I know of that would not allow me to connect to the VPN.

Seriously, I hit connect and hours later I check back and it still hasn't connected. What is going on here?

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I cannot connect either. When I log into the client and select a server and hit "connect", it gets stuck there and won't connect to the server. It doesn't matter which server I pick, none of them work. My internet is working fine and I haven't made any changes that I know of that would not allow me to connect to the VPN.

Seriously, I hit connect and hours later I check back and it still hasn't connected. What is going on here?


Please check whether your firewall is blocking the AirVPN client and/or OpenVPN and/or the ports used for the connection (for example 443 UDP). Finally, please send us all the relevant information: your OS, the client you use to connect, the connection logs and any other displayed error (if available).

Kind regards

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I changed the proxy from socks to none and the port is still on the default setting. After I changed the proxy back to none, it let me connect again. So it seems that it won't let me connect if I choose 'socks' proxy under preferences.

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I changed the proxy from socks to none and the port is still on the default setting. After I changed the proxy back to none, it let me connect again. So it seems that it won't let me connect if I choose 'socks' proxy under preferences.


Perhaps the SOCKS proxy you are using is not accepting connections or maybe it is listening to another port? Which SOCKS proxy do you use? The logs can give precious hints.

Kind regards

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