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Slower speeds now I have changed broadband provider

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I run AirVPN on my router which is an Asus RT-AC68U using Merlin firmware and using OpenVPN. I changed my broadband provider from Sky fibre to Vodafone fibre yesterday and suddenly my VPN speeds have dropped using the same equipment. With Sky I was getting 38/10 and using AirVPN I could download at roughly 35Mb. Now I am with Vodafone synced at 56/20 and can only download at 25Mb. Without the VPN I get the full speed of my line which is about 55Mb. Nothing has changed my side and I'm wondering if vodafone throttle VPN traffic? I am UK based and connecting to UK servers.


Tonight I am going to try the the Eddie software to see if the problem lies with my set up. Would changing the port help?


Many thanks

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Different ISPs handle things differently. So I think it's well-worth a try to use Eddie and then experiment with the protocols .

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Thanks LZ1


I have just tried Eddie and get around 53Mb with the same server and settings as I have on the Asus router. So it must be my router that is slowing down my connection via VPN. Thing is I haven't actually changed anything from when I was with Sky Fibre.

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Solved the issue 


I overclocked the CPU on the router to 1200Mhz and kept the ram at stock value. Using AES 128 cipher I now get around 53Mb

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