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Am I permitted to use your service with a dedicated server?

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I bought a dedicated server for one month from a hosting company and installed windows. Can I use your service with the dedicated server for torrenting. The dedicated server has 1GBit line. Thnks in advance.

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Not allowed you would steal 1 servers complete bandwidth for your server


Anyway it makes no sense if you have a dedicated server why you need a vpn for it

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Of course you can! It doesn't matter if you use the service on the computer in front of you or on a remote server.


As for @dj77's reference to stealing, that doesn't make any sense. You paid for the service, use it as much as you can.

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It's very unlikely to use all of the bandwidth because 1) AirVPN guarantees 4 mbps for everyone and 2) of how VPNs work.

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Of course you can! It doesn't matter if you use the service on the computer in front of you or on a remote server.


As for @dj77's reference to stealing, that doesn't make any sense. You paid for the service, use it as much as you can.

That was what I was thinking.  I bought the dedicated to use it as home pc, because internet speeds are too low in my area (8Mbit download / 1Mbit upload). Plus, I want only for torrenting (movies and music) in order not to get my account suspended from my dedicated hosting provider for torrenting. 


i think he means that since he has a 1gbit  speed that when he connects to air, he alone would consume all of the bandwidth on that server alone.


I like to see if that possible.

Personally I dont think is possible, because airvpn guarantee 4Mbit up and down for everyone. 

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Yes he paid 54 Euro for 1year ask airvpn how much they need pay for the server every month so there's a big difference


Example in Swiss airvpn have 7 servers now tell me what would happen if 7-10 customers would use the servers on their 1gbps dedicated machines exact overloaded nothing works slow speeds





Actually 545 users are connected to Swiss if everyone would now connect with his 1gbps machine what would happen




You should buy a seedbox or dedicated server somewhere in nl,ch..

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First, is it possible to use the whole bandwidth?

Have you asked that question to your ISP or any other service provider you use?


E.g.: when you to an all-you-can-eat restaurant, do you eat until you're full or you ask the waiter how much you can eat?


You have the right to limit yourself if you want to but don't force your ways on other people by calling it "stealing"!

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@nick75 noone forces me anything. Only if its a staff member.

I know that mate, don't worry!

It's just his choice of words I find excessive to say the least.

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Yes he paid 54 Euro for 1year ask airvpn how much they need pay for the server every month so there's a big difference


Example in Swiss airvpn have 7 servers now tell me what would happen if 7-10 customers would use the servers on their 1gbps dedicated machines exact overloaded nothing works slow speeds





Actually 545 users are connected to Swiss if everyone would now connect with his 1gbps machine what would happen




You should buy a seedbox or dedicated server somewhere in nl,ch..

Let's end this here.


If you had said something like "you can use all of the bandwidth but please use fair play to allow others to enjoy the service" then I wouldn't have said anything but you said it was stealing which is a totally different thing.


Words have meaning!


P.S.: as for the 545 using Swiss servers. AirVPN would have to buy new servers or users would connect to different servers or they would just enjoy the speed they'd get.


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Many people here do this. Me included. There are a number of posts here talking about ways of doing this. Look at the speeds being achieved by some folks, on the "Status" page.
Having a 1 GB link available is one thing. But actually using it would be something else again. You would have to deliberately set out to abuse the service, I think. Maybe by transferring data through AirVPN to another (or the same) server. I think AirVPN would probably detect this.

One thing to be aware of is that you may need to add a routing table entry on the server to route traffic to your home computer via the real interface, before you start the VPN as the default gateway, if you want to FTP stuff down from the server for example.

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All, maybe you didn't see this tweet https://twitter.com/airvpn/status/865895863041785857 regarding a throughput record.  It is possible to max out a server but it'll only be 500mbit/s to the end user because the corresponding 500mbit/s inbound to the server counts against the 1gbit/s max.  Of course, some servers may actually have higher capabilities but 1gbit/s is what's guaranteed by the datacenter.  And, you're hitting against the maximum capabilities of the encryption unit.


The 4mbit/s guarantee by AirVPN is based on statistics of their overall system as I understand it.  It doesn't guarantee that all users of a given server will be able to get 4mbit/s always.  There's no way they could make that promise because every user is on a local system and using an ISP with many various problems of their own.  What it does guarantee is that if all customers were on at once AirVPN has the worldwide bandwidth to be able to offer all customers 4mbit/s.  But, it's up to the customer to pick the server with bandwidth available and up to the customer to have all problems on their end solved.

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Let's wait for the staff


Staff have been aware pf people doing this for years. And have provided assistance. Read past posts in the forum.




For example, from 2012:







- unlimited devices connected from the same network (like you can do with DD-WRT or with a dedicated server/VPS of yours)


- no denial of connection nor bandwidth caps from dedicated servers connections


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Thanks for the link nadre




I take back what I say before


You can use your dedicated server with airvpn they allow it

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If AirVPN implements proper traffic management that allocates bandwidth per user, it should not be a problem. Even if this is not the case, if you set considerate limits on your torrent client(like maybe 100/100 or under), I don't see why they would care. I connect on my mobile from a few locations with a 1 gbps connection and can pull a few hundred Mbps due to the limits of Wi-Fi and never had an issue.

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Many people here do this. Me included. There are a number of posts here talking about ways of doing this. Look at the speeds being achieved by some folks, on the "Status" page.


Having a 1 GB link available is one thing. But actually using it would be something else again. You would have to deliberately set out to abuse the service, I think. Maybe by transferring data through AirVPN to another (or the same) server. I think AirVPN would probably detect this.


One thing to be aware of is that you may need to add a routing table entry on the server to route traffic to your home computer via the real interface, before you start the VPN as the default gateway, if you want to FTP stuff down from the server for example.

Can you send me a private messege here, to help me set it up;

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One thing to be aware of is that you may need to add a routing table entry on the server to route traffic to your home computer via the real interface, before you start the VPN as the default gateway, if you want to FTP stuff down from the server for example.

Can you send me a private messege here, to help me set it up;



Do you know how to add a routing table entry in Windows? If not, this guide has an example, and you should be able to learn a bit about networking on Windows:




There is some discussion of dealing with this issue for Linux here, which may help:




The route command is a bit different in Linux than in Windows.

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I am a newbie user, and I would appreciate any help. I bought a 3month membershipo here, I must do it work.


The problem I face, is that everytime I open eddie and activate network lock, it takes me out automatically and I need to open a ticket to hosting service to reboot the dedicated serrver. I use windows server 2016 as Operatiing System.


I tried to use it without network lock, it worked, but the traffic of torrent and jdownloader is not through vpn. After hours downloading of 100GB of files, the  history of airvpn shows only some MBytes of downloading.

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