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Add more TCP/UDP ports to the Air VPN "modes" tab?

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Hi, 3 questions:

a. Is it possible to add more "modes" in the Air VPN GUI?

b. What is the use of the "Proxy Type" in the OpenVPN Configuration Generator screem. What is the criteria for selecting "none", "socks" and "http"?

c. Is there a user manual somewhere to read explaining more about the service?

Many thanks.

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Hi, 3 questions:

a. Is it possible to add more "modes" in the Air VPN GUI?

b. What is the use of the "Proxy Type" in the OpenVPN Configuration Generator screem. What is the criteria for selecting "none", "socks" and "http"?

c. Is there a user manual somewhere to read explaining more about the service?

Many thanks.


a. Yes, it is possible. We can add additional ports if they are useful to bypass censorship, for example.

b. OpenVPN has the ability to establish connections over a proxy. If you wish to do so, select the appropriate proxy type. If you don't need to use a proxy, leave the field to "None". Typical examples for connections over AirVPN over a proxy are AirVPN over TOR (https://airvpn.org/tor) or when the client is behind a corporate proxy.

c. FAQs are available here: https://airvpn.org/faq AirVPN is based on OpenVPN: http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source.html

Feel free to use the forum, the helpdesk and the "Contact us" form for any further information or inquiry.

Kind regards

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