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slow going?

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been going slow today? upgrading servers/etc? 299 users are active, wow thats alot

is it just my end? or is the vpn service running ...really slow today?

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been going slow today? upgrading servers/etc? 299 users are active, wow thats alot :)

is it just my end? or is the vpn service running ...really slow today?



There is a major issue on the Frankfurt datacenter optical fiber cables. Leaseweb is working to resolve the issue in cooperation with their optical fiber provider. The issue affects only Omicron but should be resolved really soon. We don't detect any issue with all the other servers.

Kind regards

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I have been having the same problem. Any available servers I log into is so slow to the point that I cannot browse to any website.

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I have been having the same problem. Any available servers I log into is so slow to the point that I cannot browse to any website.


Please try a connection to a TCP port (for example 80 TCP). We have noticed that more and more ISPs deprioritize or even cap some UDP ports (we have detected this behaviour with some ISPs in Italy). We have also noticed that some ISPs cap ALL the ports except 80 TCP, 443 TCP and few others.

Please do not hesitate to keep us informed.

Kind regards

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Hi Admin,

You are right! I fixed this looking into what you said! Thanks for all your help and I would like to say that I love the service airvpn provides and I'm a very happy customer.


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