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some questions

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Im looking at possibly getting a vpn due to my isp participating in this new deal thats starting in july between the major entertainment companies and the isps that will be basically tracking bittorrent traffic

I already only use private trackers but looks like that wont be enough with this action there taking

i use utorrent do all versions work fine with your service?

my isp speed is 43 down 39 up will this go down at all with your vpn?

as i said my main concern is torrent traffic being tracked can i set up this vpn to just work with all torrent traffic and not any web traffic or anything else?

i see that theres several servers i can run from..is there a benefit to one over the other based on my location?..like im in brooklyn ny usa..if i chose usa doesnt that run risk of same issues that im trying to avoid or it doesnt matter cause either way im anonymous

as you can probably tell im new to vpns so dont know to much about them but im no dummy when it comes to computers this area is just all new to me, is there anything specifically i need to know before doing this that effects my end further and whats the setup process like

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Im looking at possibly getting a vpn due to my isp participating in this new deal thats starting in july between the major entertainment companies and the isps that will be basically tracking bittorrent traffic

I already only use private trackers but looks like that wont be enough with this action there taking

i use utorrent do all versions work fine with your service?

my isp speed is 43 down 39 up will this go down at all with your vpn?

as i said my main concern is torrent traffic being tracked can i set up this vpn to just work with all torrent traffic and not any web traffic or anything else?

i see that theres several servers i can run from..is there a benefit to one over the other based on my location?..like im in brooklyn ny usa..if i chose usa doesnt that run risk of same issues that im trying to avoid or it doesnt matter cause either way im anonymous

as you can probably tell im new to vpns so dont know to much about them but im no dummy when it comes to computers this area is just all new to me, is there anything specifically i need to know before doing this that effects my end further and whats the setup process like


In order to determine the real performance you can have from our servers (in USA and outside USA) the only safe way is to test the service. Please do not hesitate to use the "Contact us" form to ask for a free trial. About your privacy and tracking concerns, our service is designed specifically to defeat this threat too.

Please see also the FAQ https://airvpn.org/faq

Kind regards

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