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Dewey Banks

Qbitorrent settings - rate limit settings

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Under the speed options in qbittorrent there is a section titled "Rate limits settings".  Enable utp protocol and apply rate limit to utp protocol are checked by default.  Apply rate limit to transport overhead and apply rate limit to peers on LAN are by default left unchecked.


When using airvpn with Eddie is it advisable to alter any of these four settings?


Unless I overlooked it, I've seen nothing regarding this on this site.


Thanks alot!


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Some do like to uncheck things like the UTP protocol. There's guides to torrent client settings in my new user guide, in my signature.

Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you.
Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily.

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Because I am on a rural fixed wireless 4G link, I only have 12Mbps down, 1Mbps up and a plan data limit so set my qBittorrent to only use about 70%. This allows capacity for other normal Internet activity and avoids the "waste" of discarded packets and recovery window resends, which is more efficient for AirVPN and torrent peers. The maths are complex, but a smooth flow through a pipe/channel is better than bursts and gushes and swirls as a flow metaphor. For the same reason I use TCP rather than UDP for my computer to AirVPN exit node link because it has a smoothing adaptive flow control. Others with "3rd world" data links may have similar needs.

Many p2p users seem obsessed with speed/bandwidth, but I only follow a few interests and appreciations, so letting it run overnight or in background during the day is okay, it is easy to collect more stuff than actually consumed when spare time.

It also seems to be better to seed anything worthwhile and hard to obtain through other market channels which does not have many other seeds, although slowly, and I don't seed anything "popular". Sort of like a rare books library. So I limit the number of qB upload slots to 8 and global maximum number of connections to 64 so I can announce a lot of items to the swarm, but any peer starting a block gets some okay transfer rate.

One quirk I noticed is that often a peer ip address is shown as but the "client" column varies. I needed to check "apply rate limits to peers on lan" or the bandwidth seemed unlimited. I think this is other AirVPN users, not just on the same exit node, for some unclear reason, but seems to confuse qB somehow. Quite odd.

Some of this is not the same as advice for urban speedsters, but may be useful for people in less developed economies or on the Oz National Fraudband Network.

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Under the speed options in qbittorrent there is a section titled "Rate limits settings".  Enable utp protocol and apply rate limit to utp protocol are checked by default.  Apply rate limit to transport overhead and apply rate limit to peers on LAN are by default left unchecked.


When using airvpn with Eddie is it advisable to alter any of these four settings?


Unless I overlooked it, I've seen nothing regarding this on this site.


Thanks alot!



TBH when i have tried to set bandwidth limits on utorrent the settings seem to be ignored when using airvpn.

They work if i dont use the vpn though.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety". Benjamin Franklin


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