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connection my torrent client to AirVPN, question on airvpn client

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New to AirVPN using trial 3 day account. I setup eddie, ok! But then I need to connect AirVpn to my torrent client (Tixati). Ok I am not switching from Tixait just so you know. The only info I found how to do this was a Short Youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XZqFnzsaYw, that tells me how to make a connection from AirVpn to OpenVpn's network adaptor "TAP-Windows adapter V9" I like this network connection after reading about it here saving this persons ip from being viewable in tixati https://forum.tixati.com/offtopic/225/.  I start a download after like the video said create non OpenVpn config file and drop it in the \openvpn\config directory.  Then I start downloading ok, I think this is a bit complicated. But I check the IPleak.net page and it does report the VPN's ip for the Torrent address check.


My OpenVPN GUI Says

Sun Jan 29 10:38:09 2017 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1485704289,CONNECTED,SUCCESS,"my actual Ip address",,443,,


The 62.102.148 is the IP that the IPleak.net reports. A bit worried why my actual ip is in the OpenVPN client.


But the Eddie GUI, does say AirVPN-Open Vpn Already running, but the Stats Page all say Not Connected, so I am somewhat confused. I am comparing this to softether vpn, and it seems to be a bit easier. I am looking for comments on what I am doing, is it right, is what i am doing wrong, can it be improved, thanks. 



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Welcome to AirVPN!


I didn't understand your explanation. I think you're making it unnecessarily complicated for yourself, by the sound of it.


Just download the Eddie client and then read my new user guide, in my signature . Torrent guides are included.

Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you.
Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily.

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I use Tixati as well.  You don't need to do anything special at all to make Tixati Work.  Literally just connect to AirVPN, open Tixati, and use it right out of the box.  The default port that Tixati uses, 22130, tunnels just fine without any extra setting work.  You can verify this on ipleak.net by using the torrent checking feature.


If you want to make 100% sure that Tixati can't use anything other than the TAP adapter, all you have to do is go to settings,  Network, Connections, then go down to "Local IPv4 address or interface", select the three dots ..., and select the TAP adapter.  Then the TAP adapter is bound to the program and it can't use any other adapters.

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Thank You for posting about using Tixati with AirVPN.  I've been toying with a few bt clients (for Windows), and Tixati is a clear winner for me.  An amazing number of options, and all the other clients I tries would only allow me to select an IP address for binding... next to useless!


I was able to get Tixati to bind to TAP in the Connections settings exactly as Khariz pointed out, but here is a screenie in case you are a visual person:


I also use Network Lock in Eddie, so I am sure good things are happening there for me as well.


I've never launched the openVPN GUI (actually, I think I only have the driver installed), so can't confirm anything there for you, but I can confirm that my IPLeaks.net page is my AirVPN address.


Hopefully some of this helps you.



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I use Tixati as well.  You don't need to do anything special at all to make Tixati Work.  Literally just connect to AirVPN, open Tixati, and use it right out of the box.  The default port that Tixati uses, 22130, tunnels just fine without any extra setting work.  You can verify this on ipleak.net by using the torrent checking feature.


If you want to make 100% sure that Tixati can't use anything other than the TAP adapter, all you have to do is go to settings,  Network, Connections, then go down to "Local IPv4 address or interface", select the three dots ..., and select the TAP adapter.  Then the TAP adapter is bound to the program and it can't use any other adapters.

Under linux I don't get the same choice than you but the choice between : 1)  Io    2) Tun0   3) Wlp1s0

​I suppose than Tun0 is the best choice, isen't it ?

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Yes, the TAP/TUN option is the one you are looking for.  I forgot it could be called something different in other OS.  Heck, I didn't even know Tixati had a linux version.

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