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Meanwhile in America after Trump

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I asked you to show me where I engaged in name calling. You couldn't...cause I didn't.


Your intention was never peaceful discussion, it was to end this thread.


I used to think your nick was pretty hip. Now I realize you relate to Agent Smith...scary character.

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I asked you to show me where I engaged in name calling. You couldn't...cause I didn't.


Your intention was never peaceful discussion, it was to end this thread.


I used to think your nick was pretty hip. Now I realize you relate to Agent Smith...scary character.

"Kepler, you are the only one here who discriminates against everyone other than yourself and the Democratic party.


You have to date called me racist six times. You have called me sexist too. And what evidence do you have for this? None. You cannot help but discriminate against people for the high crime of having an opinion that does not match yours.


According to your literal posts in the last few hours, every single vote for Trump is motivated exclusively by racism. Since you literally say Trum is racist, please show some proof. No, not just evidence he wants a wall. Show me he actually is racist. Until you do, I am going to respond to every annoying post you make and demand proof of each and every claim you make. Why? Because you are annoying and asinine. Oh, and since turnabout is fair, I guess I should accuse you of being a racist, a sexist, and a criminal. Have a very nice day."


Here is the example you were looking for. Although you seem to still claim it never happened yet other forum members seem to disagree. Curious.

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Yeah. I have given up on reason working with Kepler. I am just going to attempt to ignore him/her from now on.

Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.

So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it.

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You're quoting a post by OmniNegro who was overwrought and simply wrong. Hearsay evidence...not admissible.  Obviously you haven't bothered to read my posts before accusing me.  Show me my actual words where I engaged in name calling. Hate to repeat myself, but you can't...cause I didn't.

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 I am just going to attempt to ignore him/her from now on.

I'll hold you to that. You've added mostly noise and invective to the thread.

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Yeah. I have given up on reason working with Kepler. I am just going to attempt to ignore him/her from now on.

Hopefully people will get the idea and leave this thread. It was a bad idea to begin with and Kepler's attitude has only served to confirm that this thread is a waste of time.

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I'm still waiting for you to provide examples of me calling names here to make your accusation believable. It's become quite clear that your accusations are motivated by animus rather than fact.

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I'm still waiting for you to provide examples of me calling names here to make your accusation believable. It's become quite clear that your accusations are motivated by animus rather than fact.

Honestly I could, but The effort would be pointless by now. Anyone in this forum can edit their posts after the fact. Even if you didn't, your attitude alone makes this thread a waste of time. And I'm not going to grace it with any more of my time and energy.

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I'm still waiting for you to provide examples of me calling names here to make your accusation believable. It's become quite clear that your accusations are motivated by animus rather than fact.

Honestly I could, but The effort would be pointless by now. Anyone in this forum can edit their posts after the fact. Even if you didn't, your attitude alone makes this thread a waste of time. And I'm not going to grace it with any more of my time and energy.

You know, I wrote up a reply several times over, but each time I decided that if he/she cannot see his/her words by themselves, there is no point speaking to them.


But for you I will post two quotes. Unedited quotes.


Did someone say name calling?

"Trump is racist. The Republican Party is racist.  As you said, the wall will fix nothing. The drug cartels will laugh and go over, under, around or through it. As you pointed out they're already in Texas as well as every other state. Only one thing will end the cartels: remove the profit motive. How do you do that? Decriminalize drugs. Making drugs illegal has never worked (think Prohibition). Drug cartels didn't exist until Nixon declared the 'war on drugs' in 1971. Since then they've continually grown and become richer and more powerful. Whenever something that large numbers of people want is made illegal, criminal gangs will arise to provide it and reap the enormous profits. The Mafia only became really powerful as a result of the money generated by Prohibition. The only solution: legalize, regulate, educate."


How about more name calling?

"I'm not aware of any holidays for homosexuals. There are gay pride festivals in most democratic countries (not repressive countries like China or Russia) where people are free to celebrate as they please. But these are not official holidays. It certainly sounds like you do not like homosexuals and that's your choice. It's amusing that you're irritated by 'gay pride' stuff. Why is it so annoying for you to acknowledge that gays and gay sexuality exists? No one is insisting that you participate. I've always wondered if OmniNegro was in fact Negro. I'm guessing yes. Nearly all African countries are extremely homophobic. It's well known that the African American community is traditionally rather anti-gay. That's changing after Obama's election when the NAACP finally officially supported equal rights for gays. I've always felt that there ought naturally to be a kind of understanding, sympathy and solidarity between the two groups, gays and blacks, that have both been oppressed by mainstream cultures, but that hasn't been the case. I don't think that equality can be parceled out in different measure to different groups. Equal means equal...for everyone. It's a great thing for people of different backgrounds to try to understand and empathize with each other. I recently saw the film "Fences". Amazing play and film, highly recommended."


I could go on, but why bother? I think he/she has a mental issue that prevents him/her from accepting any phrase they use that is an accusation. Therefore the only reply anyone will ever get is that it never happened. But we have better things to do with our time.

Debugging is at least twice as hard as writing the program in the first place.

So if you write your code as clever as you can possibly make it, then by definition you are not smart enough to debug it.

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@ Agent Smith. Honestly if you could, you would have....totally lame answer. Did you dog eat my name calling posts that you could provide if it weren't such an effort? Lame.

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Let me take this one quote at a time.


Yes I did call Trump racist and I called the Republican Party racist. And I provided links to back up those descriptions...there are dozens more. I did not call you racist OmniNego!


The word Negro is in every one of your posts, as your nick. I'm sure lots of people, like me,  have wondered if you were self-identifying as black. You didn't want to answer a simple question about your ethnicity and apparently took the asking of the question as an insult. It wasn't. Black is fine with me, all races are fine with me. I base my world view on science-fact. The science-fact is that every person on the planet is descended from black Africans, including me.


Nearly all African countries are extremely homophobic.   Absolutely true. To use Nigeria as an example, "Both male and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal in Nigeria. The maximum penalty in the Muslim north is death by stoning:



It's well known that the African American community is traditionally rather anti-gay.  Well I was going on the general perception and what I had been told by a black gay friend. Here's a quote from the Wikipedia article "homophobia is considered to be quite prevalent within the African American community" (with references) url: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophobia_in_ethnic_minority_communities#Homophobia_in_the_African_American_community"

However that may not have been accurate or may be changing. Here's an article I just found: "New Survey Debunks The Myth Of Black Homophobia"  url:  "https://thinkprogress.org/new-survey-debunks-the-myth-of-black-homophobia-e5066ae38aa8#.f14h72haq"

Maybe I was wrong about this. Maybe I was incorporating a generally avowed myth into my world view.



So how does this relate to my interaction with you in the above post? Honestly I thought the tenor of your statements about homosexuality was negative. But you never said bluntly that you disliked homosexuality and I never called you homophobic. But I suspected you don't like homosexuality (in people generally, not if you practice it). Maybe I was mistaken in my suspicion. I would be glad to be wrong about that. I've been completely honest with you. So I'd like to know if my idea that you dislike homosexuality is true or false. Was my radar accurate or picking up a false signal?  What say you?

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@ Agent Smith. Honestly if you could, you would have....totally lame answer. Did you dog eat my name calling posts that you could provide if it weren't such an effort? Lame.

Luckily OmniNegro had the patience to do his homework and pull a few examples for you. I counted two quotes. There were six instances, 4 of which at this point are not needed.


Honestly, the name calling posts are irrelevant at this point. Through this discussion you have repeatedly proven your inability to have a civil discussion. Before and after I got here.


Isn't one of the only rules here to be civil? That alone would be grounds for closing this thread. Least someone ought to do is lock it.


Moderator's anyone?

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Neither you nor Omni's posts show any name calling by me. No matter how many times you make this false accusation, it still won't be true. I'm done talking about your bit of fake news.


Smith, you came to this thread to shut it down because you don't like my opinions. Fortunately for the thousands of people who read this thread you don't have the power to censor opinions here despite the lame attempt to do that. 

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Neither you nor Omni's posts show any name calling by me. No matter how many times you make this false accusation, it still won't be true. I'm done talking about your bit of fake news.


Smith, you came to this thread to shut it down because you don't like my opinions. Fortunately for the thousands of people who read this thread you don't have the power to censor opinions here despite the lame attempt to do that.

Fuck it. If you want to make a fool of yourself go right ahead.


I have repeatedly told you why this thread shouldn't exist, but if you want to infer that I'm practically a book burning Nazi, then go right ahead.


You can voice your opinion all you want . But you should be prepared for the rest of us to use our opinions to shit on yours.

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