99zeros 0 Posted ... Greetings, I am trying to allow traffic only if it is going through VPN. I have followed several outdated guides and am having some issues getting this to work. Is there an updated guide anywhere? This is the one I have been trying lately: http://www.purevpn.com/win7-firewall.php After step 13, I obviously cant connect to AIRVPN. It seems that I need to open up traffic to authenticate to VPN. Help? Please? Quote Share this post Link to post
Staff 10085 Posted ... Hello! We are confident that the following thread will help you. We would anyway recommend that you replace Windows 7 firewall with Comodo Firewall (free edition is just fine). https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=1713&Itemid=142 Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. Kind regards Quote Share this post Link to post
99zeros 0 Posted ... I have followed that guide. It seems to be for an older version of hte software than what is currently out there. The steps dont match up with the options in the program any longer. Is there an updated guide? Quote Share this post Link to post
Staff 10085 Posted ... I have followed that guide. It seems to be for an older version of hte software than what is currently out there. The steps dont match up with the options in the program any longer. Is there an updated guide?Hello!Do you mean Comodo? If so, the rules are identical with any Comodo version of the last year. The screenshot is taken from Comodo Internet Security Premium 5.10.228257.2253, free version (it should be up to date).Kind regards Quote Share this post Link to post
99zeros 0 Posted ... Greetings, Doesn't it make more sense to block all traffic for the Internet Zone except a hole poked out for authenticating to AIR VPN? That just seems more logical than applying a cookie cutter rule for each of the applications that you want to use. What about applications that are not defined... like a trojan? Chrome.exe is not defined yet in comodo on my system, and it goes right through. I look forward to your advice. Thanks Quote Share this post Link to post
Staff 10085 Posted ... Greetings, Doesn't it make more sense to block all traffic for the Internet Zone except a hole poked out for authenticating to AIR VPN? That just seems more logical than applying a cookie cutter rule for each of the applications that you want to use. What about applications that are not defined... like a trojan? Chrome.exe is not defined yet in comodo on my system, and it goes right through.I look forward to your advice.ThanksHello!Sure, it all depends on what you want to achieve. We were asked how to block a specific program and we answered accordingly.About trojans, generally it does not make a big difference if they can get out through the tunnel or not, a VPN will not protect you against trojans which send out data without your knowledge (see also Terms of Service, point 1).Chrome must be a "trusted application" in Comodo in order to be able to send and receive data. As usual, you can define further customized rules for any program, including Chrome.Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information or support.Kind regards Quote Share this post Link to post
Darkmatter 0 Posted ... Hi ! I'm completely new to the VPN world, but today paid for an account at HMA. While they seem to be OK so far im beginning to think i may have made a mistake. I found you guys and wanted to ask some questions. 1. I have many different comps in the house running different OS's, do you accept Windows, OSX and Linux? 2. What happens if im searching the web or downloading a file and the VPN drops off, is there any sort of redundancy to prevent my connection becoming public again? Thanks, Jack Quote Share this post Link to post
Staff 10085 Posted ... Hi !I'm completely new to the VPN world, but today paid for an account at HMA.While they seem to be OK so far im beginning to think i may have made a mistake.I found you guys and wanted to ask some questions.1. I have many different comps in the house running different OS's, do you accept Windows, OSX and Linux?Hello!Yes. Please find further answers on our FAQ: https://airvpn.org/faqA substantial difference is that we don't keep logs and we don't monitor your connection.2. What happens if im searching the web or downloading a file and the VPN drops off, is there any sort of redundancy to prevent my connection becoming public again?Yes, there are a variety of solutions. We recommend to properly set firewall rules. Methods which scan connection and in case of disconnection detection forcefully kill programs are not reliable, because the time between disconnection detection and program kill is enough to allow leaks.Kind regards Quote Share this post Link to post
michigan82 4 Posted ... Hi ! I'm completely new to the VPN world, but today paid for an account at HMA. While they seem to be OK so far im beginning to think i may have made a mistake. I'm sure you did a mistake... HMA is surely one of the biggest providers with lots of servers... nonetheless this is not a measure for quality, anonymity and privacy. Before subscribing to a provider you should always make some research... just my advise for you... 1. I have many different comps in the house running different OS's, do you accept Windows, OSX and Linux? That's not the right question. You primarily have to check what protocols the provider offers. AirVPN offers OpenVPN which is available for all of your operating systems http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/341-openvpn-compatibility.html But also PPTP is available for all systems... 2. What happens if im searching the web or downloading a file and the VPN drops off, is there any sort of redundancy to prevent my connection becoming public again? I recommend VPNCheck. It's a little software that controls your VPN-Connection. When your VPN-Connection fails you can choose to whether disable your network or to close only specific applications. I think with the non-commercial version you can choose one application for that task. But there are more solutions to cut a connection when vpn fails. However I have made the experience that this is the easiest one for most people... Quote Share this post Link to post
Globespy 1 Posted ... "block all traffic for the Internet Zone except a hole poked out for authenticating to AIR VPN? That just seems more logical than applying a cookie cutter rule for each of the applications that you want to use" How exactly do I go about enabling this kind of a setup? I've installed Comodo. I would like everything blocked 100%, unless I am connected to the VPN. Similarly, if the VPN drops for whatever reason, I would expect any site or program to immediately close down. I'm already having issues with speeds, so please include any advice about how to setup my system on different ports to get the speeds I should be getting - I have a 30MB connection (tested regularly through various speed testing sites), however I am getting 350-425KB/s download speeds on sites that I regularly achieve 10 times that speed. Quote Share this post Link to post
Staff 10085 Posted ... "block all traffic for the Internet Zone except a hole poked out for authenticating to AIR VPN? That just seems more logical than applying a cookie cutter rule for each of the applications that you want to use"How exactly do I go about enabling this kind of a setup? I've installed Comodo.I would like everything blocked 100%, unless I am connected to the VPN. Similarly, if the VPN drops for whatever reason, I would expect any site or program to immediately close down.Hello!Instructions to block everything when disconnected from the VPN can be found here:https://airvpn.org/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=3&id=1713&Itemid=142If you also wish to kill programs, you can use VPNetCheckMon, a tiny program that kills a list of programs you give it when VPN disconnection is detected. The "Network number" you have to insert in it is "10" in order to allow it to monitor properly the Air connection. VPNetCheckMon has been tested successfully with Air, however this method is deprecated.I'm already having issues with speeds, so please include any advice about how to setup my system on different ports to get the speeds I should be getting - I have a 30MB connection (tested regularly through various speed testing sites), however I am getting 350-425KB/s download speeds on sites that I regularly achieve 10 times that speed.First of all please try changing connection ports, just in case your ISP caps bandwidth on port 443 UDP, and also test all the servers to determine the one which can give you the best performance.Kind regards Quote Share this post Link to post