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AOMEI Backup Opening ports without permission

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I was Just wondering if any one uses  or has some knowledge  About AOMEI backup , and why is it opening ports without permission ?


Please look here


6045, Backupper Service, AOMEI Tech Co., Ltd., C:\Program Files (x86)\AOMEI Backupper\ABService.exe,, 2180


I was on there support forums  But Leider  you can only search  not post


I did email them


But i wanted to check with you guys first


thank you

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Hello !


You can try disable UPnP. On the other hand, we can't help you much if you choose to use horrible software


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It's shareware. It may open ports for license checks or automatic updates. First option is always to uninstall it. AOMEI Backupper User Manual:


To uninstall AOMEI Backupper

Backupper can be uninstalled using one of 2 methods:

1.  Go  to  Start  Menu  ->  All  Programs  ->  AOMEI  Backupper  ->  Uninstall
AOMEI Backupper 


2.  Go  to  Windows  Control  Panel  ->  Programs  and  Functions,  and  select
AOMEI Backupper.

To  completely  uninstall  the  software  you  may  be  prompted  to  restart  your
computer, which can be deferred until later if you wish.


Second option: Look at the IP addresses and add them to the hosts file. It's in C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc (assuming C is your Windows partition).

Or just use a firewall to block internet access for all programs of AOMEI. Poof, no open ports.


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