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Google thinks my activities are unusual.

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I'm using Linux Mint 17.3, Cinnamon desktop environment and I was just doing a boring google search.

Does Google dislike VPNs? Is it something about the specific public IP I chose?

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Google dislikes all users, especially ones they cannot use for their evil monetizing purposes.

There are some limits for searches originating from the same IP address during a certain amount of time.

After this limit is reached, the clients receive a captcha challenge that is only good for a limited amount of time.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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Zhang is right about searches originating from the same IP. This is because they can't sell specific targeted advertising to you which they make their billions on.

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I'm using Linux Mint 17.3, Cinnamon desktop environment and I was just doing a boring google search.

Does Googleslike VPNs? Is it something about the specific public IP I chose?

Why not try startpage.com is your search engine.Quality is oke and no tracking etc. (privacytools.io)

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Hello !


Google and other services can become suspicious of you, if they see your account being accessed from different IP addresses all the time.

Which is the case with Air; unless perhaps you always connect to the same Air Server. This is because different IPs could mean your account

got accessed by someone from a different country.


You can try various alternatives to Google:






The first one doesn't save any searches. However since it's not Google, it's often less accurate. Especially since it doesn't track you.

While the other two can be used to send your searches to Google or another service, but without giving those services any information. A good compromise.

Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you.
Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily.

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