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Miami Servers Acamar and Yildun constantly going down!

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My experience thus far with AirVPN has been good, but lately the Miami servers Acamar and Yildun (which happen to be the closest servers to me geographically and have the lowest latency) are ALWAYS going down. Not all servers are like this, such as the ones in Georgia.

The worst part is when the server that I am connected to inevitably goes down, the client doesn't give any sort of warning or notification, my internet just stops working and I have to investigate. At this point the servers go down so frequently I have stopped using them in favor of the more reliable Georgia or even Canadian servers. 


I wouldn't care about Miami servers going down if this service was free, but it isn't, and right now the uptime and reliability on those particular servers is abysmal.


I'm not sure what the cause is of the frequent outages is, but will it be rectified soon?



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I don't use them, but even I noticed it. I see them having high packet loss or even line problems quite often when viewing the status page. So, yes, issue indirectly confirmed.


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Thanks for the replies and the link, that was useful info. I will try the Pollux server as well, it may have even better latency.

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The worst part is when the server that I am connected to inevitably goes down, the client doesn't give any sort of warning or notification, my internet just stops working and I have to investigate.

Usually when this happens to me, eventually the client will restart the connection and automatically connect to a Canadian server.  However, it sometimes takes awhile before this happens.

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