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Taiwan & New Zealand

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I was just curious to see If you are looking into or have future plans into expanding your network in Taiwan and New Zealand?


I unfortunately have to use a different vpn service for this, so having to buy two different vpn services is quite expensive but more importantly it's just more the inconvenience of it all.


I put Airvpn at the top of my list for a fantastic vpn service and superb support.

I always recommend Airvpn to my friends.


However if your network could expand to Taiwan and New Zealand it would be phenomenol.


Again this is just a suggestion and i'm sure there are quite a few people who would like this capability.




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Which is closer Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore or Taiwan or does it matter???


Is it a latency or speed problem?


I use European servers 95% of the time but not UK, France, Spain and Germany.

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Hello !


I have to agree that it would be nice with more Asian servers

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Taiwan is definitely not an option, huge monopoly over the telecom market there by a company called Chunghwa Telecom (hinet.net).

Most of the offers for servers there are limited to 10Mbit/s (This is correct, 10Mbit is a popular connection speed for many Asian locations).


The price/performance are about 5 times more slow and expensive than any offer in Hong Kong, making this a very bad location choice.


For New Zealand, see the topic about Australia, since they transit via Australia.

Occasional moderator, sometimes BOFH. Opinions are my own, except when my wife disagrees.

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