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[Suggestion] Member Hall Of Fame?

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Hello !


So I'm a relatively new member around here and it has been a great experience; besides my lack of technical insight making life a pain, lol.

However I've taken to noticing that there's a fair few members whom contribute so much to the community. Ones like zhang888 and

giganerd, just to name two.


But while they might say they like helping others and they do, I kinda feel like it would be nice if they could get some perhaps more "official"

recognition for their efforts. Because without ones like them, that Staff account would have way more than 6k posts by now, answering all the questions around here.


Sure, you can give them a +1 and it adds to their account, but then what? To my knowledge, there's not even anything higher than the "Excellent" rating

and even I, a completely useless newb, got to excellent. Because it starts at around 20 upvotes and that's just because people find me either hilarious

or stupid as f***, enough to comfort me with an upvote lol and let's be honest, giganerd for instance has over 300 upvotes and is excellent, just like me:

But I'm not even nearly as valuable to the community as him in any way. Hardly fair.


So does AirVPN think it would be suitable with some kind of Member Hall Of Fame? This isn't to get myself into; it's for other people who, day in and day out

answer questions with the patience of a saint and the knowledge of an AirVPN employee. I mean what they're doing, is essentially help promote AirVPNs mission:



AirVPN team will work at the best of its abilities to:

  • Deliver technical tools aimed to enhance and exercise the fundamental Right to Privacy (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, art. 12; ECHR art. 8)
  • Deliver a service capable to provide a strong anonymity layer in order to exercise the Right to Remain Anonymous (*), which has been widely recognized as a key to freedom of speech
  • Preserve and respect Net Neutrality and end-to-end principle
  • Oppose with technical tools any Net Neutrality and/or end-to-end principle violation in the most possible transparent way
  • Circumvent censorship and any other barrier to seek, receive and impart information and ideas without interference and regardless of frontiers (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, art. 19; ECHR art. 10)
  • Support when possible a range of projects and NGOs whose aim is compatible with AirVPN mission statement

Because ultimately, you can have the best VPN in the universe, but it won't matter if people can't solve the technical bugs they run into.


So just like AirVPN promotes and celebrates projects which help advance the "defence of net neutrality, privacy and against censorship.", why not people, too? :]

Relying on peoples generous dispositions is fine, however it doesn't hurt to have a few minor incentives as well in my view. Sort of like how the referral program gives

you 20% instead of something like "A pat on the back from AirVPN". Both are neat, but you know which one you'd rather have, incentive-wise.

(I wouldn't pass up on some of that special "datalove" the Staff account keeps talking about though, mwaha).


I think it would be a nice gesture from AirVPN to some of these members, regardless of if they, the members in question, think we all appreciate their work already or not.


Thank you.



Not to mention it would make me feel much more at ease from having spammed poor zhang with approx a billion questions, shhh.

Moderators do not speak on behalf of AirVPN. Only the Official Staff account does. Please also do not run Tor Exit Servers behind AirVPN, thank you.
Did you make a guide or how-to for something? Then contact me to get it listed in my new user guide's Guides Section, so that the community can find it more easily.

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Well, you couldn't know it, but I personally are getting occasional Thank Yous from Air, and I fully appreciate them.


To be honest with you, I find the idea of a (public?) Hall of Fame or something silly. I'm just a normal user who enjoys the service, both the VPN part and the forums part. If I ever run into a problem I can't solve myself or through searching on the forums and the internet, I will most likely post it here, and when I do I'm on the receiving side of help.
If you look closely, you will see that zhang888 has been promoted to a moderator now. There you have it; a public appreciation of his contributions.



Sure, you can give them a +1 and it adds to their account, but then what? To my knowledge, there's not even anything higher than the "Excellent" rating

and even I, a completely useless newb, got to excellent. Because it starts at around 20 upvotes and that's just because people find me either hilarious

or stupid as f***, enough to comfort me with an upvote lol


The reputation system is being discussed in the IP.Board community. You are helpful here, too, but you've got a good point: You can post hilarious things on the forums, bringing people to smile and like your content. This effectively contributes to a good reputation without contributing the "right" kind of content. It's not an abuse directly but you're still missing the goal of the forums this way.


LZ1's New User Guide to AirVPN « Plenty of stuff for advanced users, too!

Want to contact me directly? All relevant methods are on my About me page.

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Posted ... (edited)

​That kind of thing defeats the purpose of VPN and privacy. IF airvpn implements such thing I will leave.


I don't think you fully understand the meaning, the so called Hall of Fame if it was to happen would only include VERY few members and likely be asked first if they wanna be on it not to mention having someones username in an official post by the staff is no different than me posting your username/displayname right here and now, infact I already did since the quote states it.


Anyway by my opinion it could be an useful thing tho calling it Hall of Fame idk about but maybe something closer to Community Supporters or close to the same meaning where people can ask questions without having to ask the staff, as fast as the staff is they can't be around to answer questions day in and day out all the time having a list of voluntary people do so can come in handy for some users I imagine


EDIT: Another idea as to where most people might look is to give them the title/group called Community Volunteer which is a worldwide term that doesn't exactly have to mean official staff but just a simple volunteer giving their services as a freelancer

Edited ... by EdensSpire

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