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[SOLVED] connection issue

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For some reason when i try and connect it will login in successfully then i will choose a server but then it will say failed to start. So when i restart it and try again it says "already started. Could someone please tell me how to fix this


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Can you please send us the connection logs (right-click on the Air dock icon, then select "Logs", finally "Copy to clipboard" and paste here). Also, what are your OS and .NET framework versions?

Finally, can you please try a connection without the Air client and send us the OpenVPN logs?

Kind regards

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I'm having some connectivity issues too. Installed a special version of windows 7 with some services turned off and they might of turned off a service that Air needs to run. It lets me sign in, pick a server, then just hangs.


Ahhh, it was my third party firewall that was responsible. Thought I had it turned off but it was secretly sabotaging my VPN from behind the scenes. Everything works fine now.

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