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Air Vpn failed to start

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Hi Guys can U help me. I get this message Air Vpn failed to start. I have win vista and net framework 3.5 SP1. I can log in but cannot connect to any serwer.

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Hi Guys can U help me. I get this message Air Vpn failed to start. I have win vista and net framework 3.5 SP1. I can log in but cannot connect to any serwer.


Your account is authorized to access all the servers. Please make sure that you launch the AirVPN client with administrator privileges and that no software blocks it. Also, can you please send us the logs (after a connection attempt, right-click on Air dock icon, select "Logs", then "Copy to clipboard" and paste here)?

We're looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

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Do you have a local proxy? You'll have to disable it for the idiotic Airvpn client that must know! what airvpn.org is.

As for what it's doing while, "checking", maybe someone can say.

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Do you have a local proxy? You'll have to disable it for the idiotic Airvpn client that must know! what airvpn.org is.

As for what it's doing while, "checking", maybe someone can say.


You can check what AirVPN client is doing while "Checking" is displayed simply having a look at the logs (it checks whether the connection has been really established and retrieves data for the commodities). If you don't like the client (only for Windows), just don't use it: you can use OpenVPN directly or any OpenVPN GUI or wrapper you wish. You can generate certificates, key and configuration file through our configuration generator, please read the instructions.

That the client "must know! what airvpn.org is" is a gratuitous assumption that has nothing to do about the remarkable OpenVPN ability to tunnel over a proxy.

The "proxy" options must be used if you wish to tunnel AirVPN over a SOCKS or an http proxy, for example when you need to hide your real IP address to Air servers even while you are connected, or if you need AirVPN over TOR, or if you are behind a corporate or ISP or university or government proxy, or for any need for partition of trust. Far from being idiotic, this is a very important feature for several customers. Obviously the proxy, local or not, must be running and accepting connections.

Kind regards

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"retrieves data for the commodities"... I can't even begin to imagine what your trying to say...

"That the client "must know! what airvpn.org is" is a gratuitous assumption that has nothing to do about the remarkable OpenVPN ability to tunnel over a proxy."

Trying to us big words today are we? Yes my feedback has nothing to do with openvpn because this isn't the openvpn site. It's the airfart vpn forum.

If your #.net client can't resolve airvpn.org, it won't do anything. It will look for a local proxy and use that for ressolution. NOT dns settings, but the local proxy.

As for the proxy option, IN THE CLIENT, I didn't mention that. Just like I didn't mention how the speed is at BEST 10% of what I can do.

You obviously don't speak English.

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Messages removed for spam. Please do not spam, watch your language and do not insult. This forum is aimed to give proper support to AirVPN customers and non-customers and must remain free from insults, flames and any other kind of spam.

Kind regards

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