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How can I avoid ISP's throttling?

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I've been suffering from the throttling since the time when I bought one of the vpn plans from PrivateInternetAccess.


The problem is that they don't seem to provide any solution to ISP's throttling.


To fix this problem, I chose to subscribe your service because it supports SSH/SSL.


I thought it's gonna work considering that you looked so confident by saying that even the most brutal techniques of monitoring, censorship, throttling and traffic shaping will fail against AirVPN.


However, it turned out to be the same as it is in PrivateInternetAccess.


The speed test shows that:


Down: 8.911 Mbit/s Out, 4.633 Mbit/s In (51%), 10MB - Up: 1.133 Mbit/s Out, 0.315 Mbit/s In (27%), 10MB - Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 14:54:36 UTC - Buffers: 10MB/10MB - Laps: 1, Time: 365.49 secs


I've selected the recommended server and used SSH Tunnel Port 22—of course, I already tried many other protocols including the SSL Tunnel.


For your information, I'm in South Korea and my ISP is Korea Telecom—100mbps up/down.


Do you have any idea how to fix this problem?

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the performance looks bad even without VPN. By the way do not trust our speed test (or any other speed test) and make sure to test different servers in different countries. How are the OpenVPN socket buffers sizes set?


Kind regards

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Thank you for replying.


I already tried many other servers—Hong Kong, Singapore—and they looked the same.


I don't understand what you meant by the OpenVPN socket buffer sizes—that should be the default.


I havn't changed any setting except the protocol.

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I've done the test—for HTTP—with the vpn turned on and the result was: 


Is your upload traffic rate limited?

There is no indication that your ISP rate limits your uploads.

Is your download traffic rate limited?

The measurement data is too noisy to detect whether your ISP rate limits your download traffic. Re-running the test while ensuring that no other downloads or uploads are running in the background might fix this problem.

You can view the detailed measurement results of the test here.


However, I think the test was originally designed for non-vpn users, which makes me wonder how the results above play a crucial role in this situation.

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