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Airvpn client doesn’t activate firewall if you stop network lock

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If you activate the network lock at client start




the client deactivates the firewall automatically



but if you deactivate the network lock




the client doesn’t activate the firewall automatically



the client doesn’t activate the firewall automatically, you have to do this by hand. The problem is, that this message window is only 10 sec. visible. If you dont respected it and enable the firewall by hand, you are surfing without the firewall rules. The result was a big problem for me @ a special situation.


any chance to fix this problem?






Was wir an Niedern rühmen als Geduld, ist blasse Feigheit in der Brust - William Shakespeare

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My firewall doesn't get deactivated?

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My firewall doesn't get deactivated?

No, Activating network lock will make sure Windows Firewall is on and alter the rules it uses. Deactivating will return Windows Firewall to its previous state.

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It can not be a problem of my computer, I just set up fresh before ~ 2 weeks. I don't understand why the firewall is deactivated if you deactivate network-lock




not reproducible on any testing machine. Never reported by thousands of customers using Eddie with Windows every day.


It must be something extremely peculiar and specific to your system. Can you provide complete details of your system setup (including any antivirus, firewall and packet filtering/inspection tool installed) and exact steps to reproduce the issue?


Kind regards

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Deactivate network lock / exit out of Eddie, open Windows Firewall and make sure it is ON. Have a look at the In/Out Rules just for your own satisfaction as to what they are. Exit the Firewall, do not switch off.


Activate Network Lock. Open Windows Firewall, have a look around at the settings, Exit Windows Firewall.


Deacivate Network Lock. Open Windows Firewall. Investigate the settings.


What is the outcome?


Most of the time the cause or whatever is the simplest of things.

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I am a different person as the one who opened this thread.

first off all I have to say, that if have used Comodo Firewall with the special setup described in the help section for the last 2 years - great.
I have had issues after updating to Eddie Version 2.10 - I got help twice from the staff through private message, but it worked only after the next restart - problem again. I really don’t want to use the WindowsFirewall…..but if I have to just to get rid of the Comodo problem or whatever it is, I guess I have to change. Which I did, well try.

So I activated the Windows Firewall, deactivated ComodoFirewall, uninstalles older version of Eddie, installed Eddy Client from scratch (no changes done inside the settings), restarted the computer. Put in my ID and PW.

Connected without Network Lock - it worked.
Connected with Network Lock activated from the main window  (TAB „Overview“)- it worked.
Connected without using AirVPN - it worked.


I can confirm regarding the Network Lock, that if I switch back to „deactivate Network Lock“ or exit Eddie, the WindowsFirewall is being disabled (red). I can see this directly with the WindowsFirewall Window open. And I double checked - I did this at least 5 times. - Same outcome. Several restarts of the computer.  I also re-set the WindowsFirewall to „standard setting“ - so I put it to the default settings, to make sure I did not messed something up.
This should not be the case, right?
So, now I am stuck with 2 Firewalls not working correctly. Help is very much appreciated. I am not a computer expert, so please be kind and clear if you are going to explain things.

Stuff member asked above in this threads:
It must be something extremely peculiar and specific to your system. Can you provide complete details of your system setup (including any antivirus, firewall and packet filtering/inspection tool installed) and exact steps to reproduce the issue?

Windows 7, 64 bit, Enterprise, latest update
Windows Firewall, ComodoFirewall disabled
AntiVirus: Avira Free Antivirus, Vers.
packet filtering/inspection tool installed: I No idea what this is - no I guess I don’t have it

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Windows Firewall, ComodoFirewall disabled







in several cases it's not enough that a second firewall is disabled. Conflicts can arise anyway according to our experience with Comodo and Windows Firewall.


Kind regards

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It can not be a problem of my computer, I just set up fresh before ~ 2 weeks. I don't understand why the firewall is deactivated if you deactivate network-lock




not reproducible on any testing machine. Never reported by thousands of customers using Eddie with Windows every day.


It must be something extremely peculiar and specific to your system. Can you provide complete details of your system setup (including any antivirus, firewall and packet filtering/inspection tool installed) and exact steps to reproduce the issue?


Kind regards



It doesn´t bother me that much, but I do have the exact same issue. After shutting down Eddie with network lock, a notification center message pops up, that the windows firewall is deactivated and needs to be manualy activated again. I´m on Windows 10 Pro 64bit, but the same happend on Windows 8 - until now I thought this is normal behavior... 

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@just-me & others



It looks like Eddie behaves correctly and properly.
By default, it appears that Windows Firewall is disabled in your system. When you enable Network Lock in Eddie, it activates the firewall. You can see here that your firewall was disabled and Eddie enables it:


! 2015.10.15 22:47:17 - Activation of Network Lock - Windows Firewall
. 2015.10.15 22:47:21 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh firewall set notifications mode=disable profile=DOMAIN' done sync in 218 ms
. 2015.10.15 22:47:21 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh advfirewall set private state on' done sync in 219 ms
. 2015.10.15 22:47:21 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh firewall set notifications mode=disable profile=STANDARD' done sync in 218 ms
. 2015.10.15 22:47:22 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh advfirewall set public state on' done sync in 219 ms
. 2015.10.15 22:47:22 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh firewall set notifications mode=disable profile=CURRENT' done sync in 218 ms
. 2015.10.15 22:47:24 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=all' done sync in 1903 ms
. 2015.10.15 22:47:24 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="AirVPN - ICMP V4" dir=in action=allow protocol=icmpv4' done sync in 172 ms




Then, when you either disable Network Lock or shut down Eddie, Eddie restores the firewall to its previous state (which was DISABLED):



! 2015.10.16 07:43:40 - Deactivation of Network Lock
. 2015.10.16 07:43:42 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh advfirewall set domain firewallpolicy ,' done sync in 1498 ms
. 2015.10.16 07:43:42 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh advfirewall set private firewallpolicy ,' done sync in 171 ms
. 2015.10.16 07:43:42 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh advfirewall set public firewallpolicy ,' done sync in 188 ms
. 2015.10.16 07:43:44 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh advfirewall import "C:\Users\Anon\AppData\Local\AirVPN\winfirewall_rules_backup.wfw"' done sync in 1669 ms
. 2015.10.16 07:43:44 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh advfirewall set domain state off' done sync in 218 ms
. 2015.10.16 07:43:45 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh advfirewall set private state off' done sync in 234 ms
. 2015.10.16 07:43:46 - Shell of 'cmd.exe','/c netsh advfirewall set public state off' done sync in 1279 ms



Kind regards

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