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It was working yesterday just fine but today it will not connect. Help??



2015-07-14 08:34:28 Running on LGLS991 (msm8992) lge, Android API 22, version 0.6.30, official build

2015-07-14 08:34:36 Building configuration…

2015-07-14 08:34:39 started Socket Thread

2015-07-14 08:34:39 Network Status: CONNECTED LTE to MOBILE n.ispsn

2015-07-14 08:34:39 Current Parameter Settings:

2015-07-14 08:34:39 config = '/data/data/de.blinkt.openvpn/cache/android.conf'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 mode = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 show_ciphers = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 show_digests = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 show_engines = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 genkey = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 key_pass_file = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 show_tls_ciphers = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 connect_retry_max = 5

2015-07-14 08:34:39 Connection profiles [0]:

2015-07-14 08:34:39 proto = udp

2015-07-14 08:34:39 local = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 local_port = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote = 'us.vpn.airdns.org'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_port = '443'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_float = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 bind_defined = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 bind_local = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 connect_retry_seconds = 5

2015-07-14 08:34:39 connect_timeout = 10

2015-07-14 08:34:39 socks_proxy_server = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 socks_proxy_port = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 socks_proxy_retry = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tun_mtu = 1500

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 link_mtu = 1500

2015-07-14 08:34:39 link_mtu_defined = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tun_mtu_extra = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tun_mtu_extra_defined = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 mtu_discover_type = -1

2015-07-14 08:34:39 fragment = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 mssfix = 1450

2015-07-14 08:34:39 explicit_exit_notification = 5

2015-07-14 08:34:39 Connection profiles END

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_random = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ipchange = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 dev = 'tun'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 dev_type = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 dev_node = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 lladdr = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 topology = 1

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tun_ipv6 = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ifconfig_local = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ifconfig_remote_netmask = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ifconfig_noexec = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ifconfig_nowarn = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ifconfig_ipv6_local = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ifconfig_ipv6_netbits = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ifconfig_ipv6_remote = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 shaper = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 mtu_test = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 mlock = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 keepalive_ping = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 keepalive_timeout = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 inactivity_timeout = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ping_send_timeout = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ping_rec_timeout = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ping_rec_timeout_action = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ping_timer_remote = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remap_sigusr1 = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 persist_tun = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 persist_local_ip = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 persist_remote_ip = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 persist_key = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 passtos = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 resolve_retry_seconds = 1000000000

2015-07-14 08:34:39 resolve_in_advance = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 username = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 groupname = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 chroot_dir = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 cd_dir = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 writepid = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 up_script = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 down_script = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 down_pre = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 up_restart = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 up_delay = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 daemon = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 inetd = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 log = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 suppress_timestamps = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 machine_readable_output = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 nice = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 verbosity = 4

2015-07-14 08:34:39 mute = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 gremlin = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 status_file = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 status_file_version = 1

2015-07-14 08:34:39 status_file_update_freq = 60

2015-07-14 08:34:39 occ = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 rcvbuf = 65536

2015-07-14 08:34:39 sndbuf = 65536

2015-07-14 08:34:39 sockflags = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 fast_io = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 comp.alg = 2

2015-07-14 08:34:39 comp.flags = 1

2015-07-14 08:34:39 route_script = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 route_default_gateway = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 route_default_metric = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 route_noexec = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 route_delay = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 route_delay_window = 30

2015-07-14 08:34:39 route_delay_defined = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 route_nopull = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 route_gateway_via_dhcp = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 allow_pull_fqdn = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 management_addr = '/data/data/de.blinkt.openvpn/cache/mgmtsocket'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 management_port = 'unix'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 management_user_pass = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 management_log_history_cache = 250

2015-07-14 08:34:39 management_echo_buffer_size = 100

2015-07-14 08:34:39 management_write_peer_info_file = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 management_client_user = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 management_client_group = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 management_flags = 4390

2015-07-14 08:34:39 shared_secret_file = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 key_direction = 2

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ciphername_defined = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ciphername = 'AES-256-CBC'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 authname_defined = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 authname = 'SHA1'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 prng_hash = 'SHA1'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 prng_nonce_secret_len = 16

2015-07-14 08:34:39 keysize = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 engine = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 replay = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 mute_replay_warnings = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 replay_window = 64

2015-07-14 08:34:39 replay_time = 15

2015-07-14 08:34:39 packet_id_file = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 use_iv = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 test_crypto = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tls_server = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tls_client = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 key_method = 2

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ca_file = '[[iNLINE]]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ca_path = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 dh_file = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 cert_file = '[[iNLINE]]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 priv_key_file = '[[iNLINE]]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 pkcs12_file = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 cipher_list = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tls_verify = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tls_export_cert = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 verify_x509_type = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 verify_x509_name = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 crl_file = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ns_cert_type = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 160

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 136

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_ku = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 remote_cert_eku = 'TLS Web Server Authentication'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 ssl_flags = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tls_timeout = 2

2015-07-14 08:34:39 renegotiate_bytes = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 renegotiate_packets = 0

2015-07-14 08:34:39 renegotiate_seconds = 3600

2015-07-14 08:34:39 handshake_window = 60

2015-07-14 08:34:39 transition_window = 3600

2015-07-14 08:34:39 single_session = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 push_peer_info = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tls_exit = DISABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 tls_auth_file = '[[iNLINE]]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 client = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 pull = ENABLED

2015-07-14 08:34:39 auth_user_pass_file = '[uNDEF]'

2015-07-14 08:34:39 OpenVPN 2.4-icsopenvpn [git:icsopenvpn_630-c9b2b7dc10e7781d] android-21-arm64-v8a [sSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [sNAPPY] [LZ4] [EPOLL] [MH] [iPv6] built on Jun 7 2015

2015-07-14 08:34:39 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.1l 15 Jan 2015, LZO 2.07

2015-07-14 08:34:39 MANAGEMENT: Connected to management server at /data/data/de.blinkt.openvpn/cache/mgmtsocket

2015-07-14 08:34:39 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold release'

2015-07-14 08:34:41 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:34:41 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'bytecount 2'

2015-07-14 08:34:41 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state on'

2015-07-14 08:34:47 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:34:54 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:35:00 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:35:06 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:35:13 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:35:19 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:35:25 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:35:32 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:35:38 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:35:44 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:35:51 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:35:57 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:36:03 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:36:09 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:36:15 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:36:22 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:36:28 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:36:34 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:36:40 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:36:46 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:36:52 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:36:58 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:37:05 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:37:11 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

2015-07-14 08:37:17 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)

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I'm having the same issue and receiving the same RESOLVE messages with every attempted log-in. It was working just fine yesterday,in fact I've never had any issues before, and I've been a premium member and using this client for almost a year now.

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Currently we have a problem with authoritative DNS servers and we're investigating:

2015-07-14 08:37:17 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: us.vpn.airdns.org:443 (No address associated with hostname)


Use IP addresses (or our free and open source client Eddie) in the meantime, please. In our Configuration Generator tick "Advanced Mode", then tick "Resolved hosts in .ovpn file".


Kind regards

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The staff posted in another thread that the problem has been fixed, and you should no longer be encountering this issue.

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