epoair 0 Posted ... Hello! I'm using your service. My IP is located in the netherlands (www.utrace.de). www.cfosspeed.de/speed-test 3,2 mbits/s. www.speedtest.net 2,8 mbits/s. www.speed.io 3,8 kbits/s. Everything's ok... so far... ----------- But now I'm downloading a torrent with vuze. KNOPPIX_V6.7.1DVD Download speed: up to 12,5 mbits/s. (similar to ISP speed) Check my torrent IP says: netherlands - ok! I can't download anything from the internet faster than 4 Mbit. But I can download torrents up to 14 Mbit... (My ISP Speed). Please explain... Does Vuze / bittorrent circumvent your service? Quote Share this post Link to post
Staff 10085 Posted ... epoair wrote:Hello!Download speed: up to 12,5 mbits/s. (similar to ISP speed) Check my torrent IP says: netherlands - ok!I can't download anything from the internet faster than 4 Mbit.But I can download torrents up to 14 Mbit... (My ISP Speed).Please explain...Does Vuze / bittorrent circumvent your service?Hello!No, Bittorrent clients are not able to bypass the TUN/TAP interface with their default configuration. uTorrent might try to do that with various systems (which can be disabled, like uTP), but all our tests have showed that it does not succeed.In a non-throttled, ideal environment, and on big swarms rich of seeds, you should normally have better performance with p2p than any other protocol. Better performance and higher efficiency are of course among the strongest features of BitTorrent.Anyway, for additional security, please perform a check on this website:http://checkmytorrentip.com/You should carefully check that your real IP address is never leaked during the test.We're looking forward to hearing from you.Kind regards Quote Share this post Link to post
epoair 0 Posted ... The thing is that I tried other VPN Services to and other Computers / Notebooks. E.g. I connected to a server in Japan (from Germany) and I could hardly open an Ebay Page. It took 45 seconds to open. When I use speed checks like speed.io or speedtest.net the results were 0.04 Mbps. Soooo slow.... But when I started my bittorent client downloading an Ubuntu file it just took 30 seconds to reach a speed up to 1,4 Mbps... I doesn't matter what computer, what operating system, what VPN service, what ISP (Telekom, Alice), what installed programs (I tested it on "naked" Win7 and Win XP).... It's always the same thing: Speed with VPN by normal Internet use is always far below the usual ISP speed. That's normal. (Best VPN speed I reached was 0,5 Mbps with "Microsoft Service Pack 3 download" using a download manager with up to 10 connections at the same time) But everytime when I start my bittorent (downloading the Ubuntu file: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-11.10-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent) I get speeds around 1,4Mbps... I'm at my at wits' end... Quote Share this post Link to post
Staff 10085 Posted ... epoair wrote:The thing is that I tried other VPN Services to and other Computers / Notebooks.E.g. I connected to a server in Japan (from Germany) and I could hardly open an Ebay Page.It took 45 seconds to open.When I use speed checks like speed.io or speedtest.net the results were 0.04 Mbps.Soooo slow....But when I started my bittorent client downloading an Ubuntu file it just took 30 secondsto reach a speed up to 1,4 Mbps...I doesn't matter what computer, what operating system, what VPN service, what ISP (Telekom, Alice),what installed programs (I tested it on "naked" Win7 and Win XP)....It's always the same thing:Speed with VPN by normal Internet use is always far below the usual ISP speed. That's normal.(Best VPN speed I reached was 0,5 Mbps with "Microsoft Service Pack 3 download" using a downloadmanager with up to 10 connections at the same time)But everytime when I start my bittorent (downloading the Ubuntu file: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-11.10-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent) I get speeds around 1,4Mbps...I'm at my at wits' end... Hello!Contrarily to most VPN providers, we guarantee a minimum allocated bandwidth for each customer and we provide a real time monitor of the servers to check the available bandwidth on each of them. The speed you reach with BitTorrent is ok (12.5 Mbit/s you reported on the previous message), while speed with other protocols seems too low. Anyway the speedtest you reported on your first message with speedtest looks fine.First of all, to wipe out any doubt about torrent client leaks, please perform the test available at http://checkmytorrentip.com/ while you are connected to one of our servers. You can see the IP you are visible on the Internet looking at the central bottom box of our webpages.Check carefully that there's no IP leak: during the test, the site and the tracker must never see your real IP address, instead they must report the exit-IP address of the VPN server you're connected to (the IP address you see in our webpages after the connection is established). The test will take you just a couple of minutes.We're looking forward to hearing from you.Kind regards Quote Share this post Link to post