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AirVPN.zip does not open in Mac, so exactly how do you do this?


Maybe a corrupt archive? Can you please try to re-generate and re-download it?

Kind regards

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Guest tencha

Nothing is easy with 10.8 this does not work!

I demand a refund please contact me, since this service is nothing for normal people and only for advanced!

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hello, i have a problem

when i go on the generation page to generate the AirVPN zip file nothing happens, what i have to do?

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hello, i have a problem

when i go on the generation page to generate the AirVPN zip file nothing happens, what i have to do?




Thank you for your inquiry. You can subscribe to a plan. The Configuration Generator is reserved to Premium members (any subscription plan).


Kind regards

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For all those that are having difficulties installing or running openvpn or airvpn client on osx - download viscosity at http://www.sparklabs.com/viscosity/ ... best $9 spent on an openvpn client (30 day trial period available)


1. Download ovpn for the specific server you are connecting to or zip archive of all AirVPN and unzip

2. Download, install and run viscosity

3. Select preferences under viscosity menubar icon

4. Click on the + at the bottom left to import connection from file and select ovpn to import

5. Once imported, double click on the connection profile and head to the 'Networking' tab then check 'Send all traffic over VPN connection' routing option and exit from the connection profile

6. Click on the Advanced tab under viscosity preferences and check the second and third option under Network Settings then close

7. Now click on the viscosity icon on the menubar, select connection profile / server to connect to and connect

8. Once connected, visit http://www.dnsleaktest.com/ to verify your dns isn't leaking queries  (you need to only do this once as viscosity handles dns management quite well)


Enjoy AirVPN

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Where is the easy to use "package" for Macintosh.

I just signed up and cannot connect, my username and password are incorrect.

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please follow the instructions for OS X + Tunnelblick. If you wish to run OpenVPN directly, or for any further information or support, do not hesitate to search the forum and/or contact us (we provide a complete set of executables to run OpenVPN without having to use any wrapper on OS X).


Kind regards

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Nothing is easy with 10.8 this does not work!

I demand a refund please contact me, since this service is nothing for normal people and only for advanced!

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Nothing is easy with 10.8 this does not work!

I demand a refund please contact me, since this service is nothing for normal people and only for advanced!


Having same troubles with 10.8


I would appreciate help as well.

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it's just that you're running a Tunnelblick version (3.2.9) which is incompatible with your OS X (Mountain Lion)... nothing relevant or serious.


Kind regards

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Indeed by removing comments on the top of each file, it works in tunnelblick (v. 3.3.0 and Mac 10.7).


These comments don't bring much but confusions (having to google first why it's not working), you should remove them for at least the Mac Version.

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we don't see any problem with configuration files comments and Tunnelblick, can you please elaborate on the issue at your convenience?


Kind regards

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Hello. Please help me start this thing. I did not expect it to be this advanced.


Tunnelblick tries to communicate with me in broken swedish, an english translation wold be something like: "Tunnelblick could not start OpenVPN to connect Tunnelblickaren [my name for the thing]. For more information, see log in VPN details... window".


I do not wish to use Viscosity, as I have used it before and it disconnected almost daily.


Please help me. I prepaid for three months.


Best regards,

A. Alhazred.

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"Making TCP connection......................."  time is ticking away.  I think Ive done everything correctly but dont seem to be getting anywhere.  Im a premium user


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I'm trying to get the config files to add them later to tunnelblick, but I can't get them from the config generator panel, i'm only a white big box that I'm getting when I'm logged in.


How could 

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I'm trying to get the config files to add them later to tunnelblick, but I can't get them from the config generator panel, i'm only a white big box that I'm getting when I'm logged in.


How could 




Access to the Configuration Generator is reserved to accounts with a subscription, can you please check your account status?


Kind regards

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your account needs a subscription. Accounts without a subscription can't access the Configuration Generator.


Kind regards

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Hi Admin

i have Mac os x 10.6.8  snow leopard

ive installed the tunnel 3.3

i generate the .ovpn file

i put in into the folder and then convert in .tblk file

double clik and  Error in installation of VPN configuration of Tunnelblick






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in order to do this:



i put in into the folder and then convert in .tblk file


please make sure that you follow the instructions. Your description is ambiguous. Keep in mind that you have to rename the folder you have created (not the file) after you have pasted one and only one .ovpn file inside it.


Kind regards

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ok, i solve the problem but now Vip72 give me the socks but  the IP is the same of the vpn generate by you....why???

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I've followed all directions but when I double click the file, it says there's an error "theres a problem with one or more configurations details are in the console log" 


I'm not sure what to do? 




Can you please make sure that you really followed the instructions? You should never double-click the configuration file. You need to double-click the icon of the folder that you renamed with a ".tblk" extension.


1) create a folder (for example on the Desktop)

2) paste inside the folder one and only one .ovpn file

3) rename the folder with a ".tblk" extension (for example, folder "abc" becomes "abc.tblk")

4) double click on the folder icon


Kind regards

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I am using Mac OS X 10.9.2 (Mavericks) and have read many forums about connection issues, but haven't been able to connect at all. I have a premium account.


These are the steps I am taking, but they aren't working:


1. I start by following the instructions listed at https://airvpn.org/macosx/


2. I go to https://airvpn.org/generator/ to generate an OpenVPN configuration file.


3. On this configuration page, I check the box for OS X, then I check the box for Europe (located under the recommended continents). I then check "Direct, protocol UDP, port 4434". (Recommended for Best Performance).


4. When I click on the "Generate" button at the bottom of the page, it downloads one file ending in an ".ovpn" extension.


5. I install TunnelBlick from https://code.google.com/p/tunnelblick/wiki/DownloadsEntry?tm=2.


6. Since I am using Mac OS X Mavericks, it says to download the beta file called "Tunnelblick 3.4beta20."


7. Once I download the installation program, I go through the following:

     A. I selected the button "I have configuration files"

     B. I select the "OpenVPN Configuration(s)" button when it asks me which type of configuration I have.


8. A Pop-Up Message appears with instructions on steps of how to proceed.


9. I copy the file "AirVPN_Europe_UDP-443.ovpn" that I downloaded from the configuration webpage to the "Empty Tunnelblick VPN Configuration" folder that pops up during the instructions that pop up. There are no key or certificate files to copy, so that .ovpn file is the only file in the folder.


10. I renamed the folder "Europe.tblk" and OS X says "Are you sure you want to add the extension “.tblk” to the end of the name?" I click the "Add" button.

The file then changes the icon to a Tunnelblick icon.


11. I double click this new "Europe.tblk" file and it says "Install Configuration For All Users?" and I click the "Only Me" button. (i have tried "All Users" button before and it doesn't do anything differently.)


12. It then tells me that Tunnelblick VPN Configuration Installation installed sucessfully. I click OK.


13. I then click the drop down for Tunnelblick next to the Spotlight Menu within OS X and select "Connect Europe"


14. After a few seconds, I get: "Warning: Tunnelblick was unable to start OpenVPN to connect Europe. For details, see the log in the VPN Details… window." I click OK.


15. I pull up the log within VPN Details and get the following:



*Tunnelblick: OS X 10.9.2; Tunnelblick 3.4beta20 (build 3727); prior version 3.3.0 (build 3518); Admin user


"Sanitized" configuration file for /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/Europe.tblk:


# --------------------------------------------------------

# Air VPN | https://airvpn.org | Tuesday 18th of March 2014 06:14:11 AM

# OpenVPN Client Configuration

# AirVPN_Europe_UDP-443

# --------------------------------------------------------



dev tun

proto udp

remote europe.vpn.airdns.org 443

resolv-retry infinite


ns-cert-type server

cipher AES-256-CBC


verb 3

explicit-exit-notify 5


 [security-related line(s) omitted]



 [security-related line(s) omitted]



 [security-related line(s) omitted]









Configuration preferences:


-notOKToCheckThatIPAddressDidNotChangeAfterConnection = 0

-lastConnectionSucceeded = 0

-tunnelDownSoundName = Speak

-tunnelUpSoundName = Speak




Wildcard preferences:


-notOKToCheckThatIPAddressDidNotChangeAfterConnection = 0




Program preferences:


notOKToCheckThatIPAddressDidNotChangeAfterConnection = 0

askedUserIfOKToCheckThatIPAddressDidNotChangeAfterConnection = 1

tunnelblickVersionHistory = (

    "3.4beta20 (build 3727)",

    "3.3.0 (build 3518)",

    "3.4beta20 (build 3727)"


showConnectedDurations = 1

connectionWindowDisplayCriteria = showWhenConnecting

maxLogDisplaySize = 102400

installationUID = 475EED59-4122-4F06-8675-C151C0560C18

keyboardShortcutIndex = 1

updateCheckAutomatically = 1

updateSendProfileInfo = 1

NSWindow Frame SettingsSheetWindow = 647 200 829 424 0 0 1920 1058 

NSWindow Frame ConnectingWindow = 765 671 389 187 0 0 1920 1058 

detailsWindowFrameVersion = 3727

detailsWindowFrame = {{587, 322}, {760, 468}}

detailsWindowLeftFrame = {{0, 0}, {135, 350}}

leftNavSelectedDisplayName = Europe

haveDealtWithSparkle1dot5b6 = 1

haveDealtWithOldTunTapPreferences = 1

SUEnableAutomaticChecks = 1

SUFeedURL = https://www.tunnelblick.net/appcast-b.rss

SUSendProfileInfo = 1

SULastCheckTime = 2014-03-18 06:13:34 +0000

SULastProfileSubmissionDate = 2014-03-18 04:49:36 +0000

SUHasLaunchedBefore = 1

WebKitDefaultFontSize = 11

WebKitStandardFont = Lucida Grande




Tunnelblick Log:


2014-03-18 02:16:26 *Tunnelblick: OS X 10.9.2; Tunnelblick 3.4beta20 (build 3727); prior version 3.3.0 (build 3518)

2014-03-18 02:16:26 *Tunnelblick: Attempting connection with Europe using shadow copy; Set nameserver = 1; monitoring connection

2014-03-18 02:16:26 *Tunnelblick: openvpnstart start Europe.tblk 1337 1 0 1 0 305 -ptADGNWradsgnw 2.2.1

2014-03-18 02:16:26 *Tunnelblick: openvpnstart starting OpenVPN




Console Log:


2014-03-18 01:24:49 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:24:49 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:24:49 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:24:49 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:24:50 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:24:50 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:24:50 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:24:50 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:24:51 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:24:51 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:24:51 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:24:51 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:33:56 Tunnelblick[5133] setShutdownVariables: invoked, but have already set them

2014-03-18 01:33:56 Tunnelblick[5133] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of shutdown; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes

2014-03-18 01:33:56 Tunnelblick[5133] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination

2014-03-18 01:34:06 kernel[0] hfs: unmount initiated on Tunnelblick on device disk4s2

2014-03-18 01:36:18 Tunnelblick[273] Set program update feedURL to https://www.tunnelblick.net/appcast-b.rss

2014-03-18 01:36:18 Tunnelblick[273] DEBUG: Updater: systemVersion 10.9.2 satisfies minimumSystemVersion 10.4.0

2014-03-18 01:36:18 Tunnelblick[273] DEBUG: Updater: systemVersion 10.9.2 satisfies minimumSystemVersion 10.4.0

2014-03-18 01:36:27 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:36:27 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:36:27 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:36:27 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:36:28 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:36:28 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:36:28 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:36:28 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:36:29 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:36:29 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:36:29 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:36:29 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:36:30 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:36:30 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:36:30 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:36:30 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:36:31 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:36:31 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:36:31 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:36:31 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:43:04 Tunnelblick[273] Configuration installer: CR characters are being removed or replaced with LF characters in the installed copy of /Users/jsmith/Desktop/EUCR.tblk/AirVPN_Europe_UDP-443.ovpn

2014-03-18 01:43:09 Tunnelblick[273] Beginning installation or repair

2014-03-18 01:43:09 authexec[517] executing /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/installer

2014-03-18 01:43:09 Tunnelblick[273] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:

                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2014-03-18 01:43:09. 3 arguments: 0x0001 /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Shared/EUCR.tblk /private/var/folders/98/hm7jy65j1rd4hh1s4wk1gn940000gn/T/TunnelblickTemporaryDotTblk-xkSbHe/EUCR.tblk

                                       Copied /private/var/folders/98/hm7jy65j1rd4hh1s4wk1gn940000gn/T/TunnelblickTemporaryDotTblk-xkSbHe/EUCR.tblk to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Shared/EUCR.tblk.temp

                                       Copied /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Shared/EUCR.tblk.temp to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Shared/EUCR.tblk

                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Shared/EUCR.tblk and its contents from 501:20 to 0:0

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 750 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Shared/EUCR.tblk

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 750 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Shared/EUCR.tblk/Contents

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 750 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Shared/EUCR.tblk/Contents/Resources

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 600 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Shared/EUCR.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn

2014-03-18 01:43:14 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:43:14 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:43:14 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:43:14 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:43:16 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:43:16 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:43:16 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:43:16 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:43:17 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:43:17 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:43:17 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:43:17 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:43:18 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:43:18 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:43:18 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:43:18 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 01:43:19 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 01:43:19 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:43:19 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 01:43:19 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 02:00:08 Tunnelblick[273] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes

2014-03-18 02:00:08 Tunnelblick[273] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination

2014-03-18 02:01:29 kernel[0] hfs: mounted Tunnelblick on device disk3s2

2014-03-18 02:01:29 mds[77] (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7fca4c017800 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:1 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Tunnelblick

2014-03-18 02:01:50 Tunnelblick[615] Tunnelblick cannot run when it is on /Volumes because the volume has the MNT_NOSUID statfs flag set.

2014-03-18 02:01:55 Tunnelblick[615] Beginning installation or repair

2014-03-18 02:01:55 authexec[622] executing /Volumes/Tunnelblick/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/installer

2014-03-18 02:01:56 Tunnelblick[615] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:

                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2014-03-18 02:01:55. 1 arguments: 0x001f

                                       Copied /Volumes/Tunnelblick/Tunnelblick.app to /Applications/Tunnelblick.app

                                       Changed ownership of /Applications/Tunnelblick.app and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/atsystemstart

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/installer

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/leasewatch

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/leasewatch3

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/process-network-changes

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/standardize-scutil-output

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.route-pre-down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.1.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.1.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.2.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.2.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.3.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.3.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/openvpn/openvpn-2.2.1/openvpn-down-root.so

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/openvpn/openvpn-2.3.2/openvpn-down-root.so

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 4555 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/openvpnstart

2014-03-18 02:01:59 Tunnelblick[615] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes

2014-03-18 02:01:59 Tunnelblick[615] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination

2014-03-18 02:02:00 Tunnelblick[626] Set program update feedURL to https://www.tunnelblick.net/appcast-b.rss

2014-03-18 02:02:00 Tunnelblick[626] DEBUG: Updater: systemVersion 10.9.2 satisfies minimumSystemVersion 10.4.0

2014-03-18 02:02:00 Tunnelblick[626] DEBUG: Updater: systemVersion 10.9.2 satisfies minimumSystemVersion 10.4.0

2014-03-18 02:02:50 kernel[0] hfs: unmount initiated on Tunnelblick on device disk3s2

2014-03-18 02:03:22 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 02:03:22 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:03:22 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:03:22 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 02:03:23 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 02:03:23 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:03:23 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:03:23 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 02:03:24 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 02:03:24 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:03:24 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:03:24 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 02:03:25 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 02:03:25 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:03:25 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:03:25 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 02:03:26 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 02:03:26 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:03:26 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:03:26 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 02:03:29 Tunnelblick[626] connect: while connecting

2014-03-18 02:03:32 Tunnelblick[626] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes

2014-03-18 02:03:32 Tunnelblick[626] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination

2014-03-18 02:06:53 kernel[0] hfs: mounted Tunnelblick on device disk3s2

2014-03-18 02:06:53 mds[77] (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7fca4c007e00 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:1 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Tunnelblick

2014-03-18 02:06:57 Tunnelblick[745] Tunnelblick cannot run when it is on /Volumes because the volume has the MNT_NOSUID statfs flag set.

2014-03-18 02:07:01 Tunnelblick[745] Beginning installation or repair

2014-03-18 02:07:01 authexec[753] executing /Volumes/Tunnelblick/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/installer

2014-03-18 02:07:01 Tunnelblick[745] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:

                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2014-03-18 02:07:01. 1 arguments: 0x001f

                                       Created directory /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick with owner 0:0 and permissions 755

                                       Created directory /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Logs with owner 0:0 and permissions 755

                                       Created directory /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Shared with owner 0:0 and permissions 755

                                       Created directory /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users with owner 0:0 and permissions 750

                                       Created directory /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/jsmith with owner 0:0 and permissions 750

                                       Changed ownership of /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick to 501:80

                                       Changed ownership of /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations to 501:80

                                       Copied /Volumes/Tunnelblick/Tunnelblick.app to /Applications/Tunnelblick.app

                                       Changed ownership of /Applications/Tunnelblick.app and its contents to 0:0

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/atsystemstart

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/installer

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/leasewatch

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/leasewatch3

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/process-network-changes

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/standardize-scutil-output

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.route-pre-down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.1.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.1.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.2.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.2.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.3.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.3.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/openvpn/openvpn-2.2.1/openvpn-down-root.so

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/openvpn/openvpn-2.3.2/openvpn-down-root.so

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 4555 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/openvpnstart

2014-03-18 02:07:06 Tunnelblick[745] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes

2014-03-18 02:07:06 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: shutDownTunnelblick: started.

2014-03-18 02:07:06 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: shutDownTunnelblick: Starting cleanup.

2014-03-18 02:07:06 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: Cleanup: Entering cleanup

2014-03-18 02:07:06 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: Cleanup: Setting callDelegateOnNetworkChange: NO

2014-03-18 02:07:06 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: Cleanup: Will killAllConnectionsIncludingDaemons: NO

2014-03-18 02:07:06 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: killAllConnectionsIncludingDaemons: has checked for active daemons

2014-03-18 02:07:06 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: includeDaemons = 0; noUnknownOpenVPNsRunning = 0; noActiveDaemons = 1; noDownRootsActive = 1 

2014-03-18 02:07:06 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: killAllConnectionsIncludingDaemons: will kill individually

2014-03-18 02:07:06 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: Cleanup: Unloading kexts

2014-03-18 02:07:07 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: Cleanup: Deleting logs

2014-03-18 02:07:07 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: shutDownTunnelblick: Cleanup finished.

2014-03-18 02:07:07 Tunnelblick[745] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination

2014-03-18 02:07:07 Tunnelblick[745] DEBUG: applicationWillTerminate: invoked

2014-03-18 02:07:07 Tunnelblick[757] Set program update feedURL to http://tunnelblick.net/appcast.rss

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Copied easy-rsa

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 700 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/build-ca

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/build-dh

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/build-inter

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/build-key

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/build-key-pass

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/build-key-pkcs12

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/build-key-server

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/build-req

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/build-req-pass

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/clean-all

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/inherit-inter

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 700 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/keys

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/list-crl

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 644 to 600 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/openssl-0.9.6.cnf

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 644 to 600 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/openssl-0.9.8.cnf

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 644 to 600 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/openssl-1.0.0.cnf

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/pkitool

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 644 to 400 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/README

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/revoke-full

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/sign-req

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 644 to 400 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/TB-version.txt

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 600 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/vars

2014-03-18 02:13:00 Tunnelblick[757] Changed permissions from 755 to 500 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/easy-rsa/whichopensslcnf

2014-03-18 02:13:01 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: Updater: systemVersion 10.9.2 satisfies minimumSystemVersion 10.9.0

2014-03-18 02:13:01 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: Updater: Satisfies tunnelblickTests:appInApplications



2014-03-18 02:13:01 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: Updater: systemVersion 10.9.2 satisfies minimumSystemVersion 10.9.0

2014-03-18 02:13:01 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: Updater: Satisfies tunnelblickTests:appInApplications



2014-03-18 02:13:24 kernel[0] hfs: mounted Tunnelblick on device disk4s2

2014-03-18 02:13:25 kernel[0] hfs: unmount initiated on Tunnelblick on device disk4s2

2014-03-18 02:13:27 Tunnelblick[757] updater:willInstallUpdate: Starting cleanup.

2014-03-18 02:13:27 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: Cleanup: Entering cleanup

2014-03-18 02:13:27 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: Cleanup: Setting callDelegateOnNetworkChange: NO

2014-03-18 02:13:27 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: Cleanup: Unloading kexts

2014-03-18 02:13:27 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: Cleanup: Deleting logs

2014-03-18 02:13:27 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: Cleanup: Removing status bar item

2014-03-18 02:13:27 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: Cleanup: Unregistering hotKeyEventHandler

2014-03-18 02:13:27 Tunnelblick[757] updater:willInstallUpdate: Cleanup finished.

2014-03-18 02:13:30 Tunnelblick[757] applicationShouldTerminate: termination because of Quit; delayed until 'shutdownTunnelblick' finishes

2014-03-18 02:13:30 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: shutDownTunnelblick: started.

2014-03-18 02:13:30 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: shutDownTunnelblick: Starting cleanup.

2014-03-18 02:13:30 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: Cleanup: Entering cleanup

2014-03-18 02:13:30 Tunnelblick[757] pthread_mutex_trylock( &cleanupMutex ) failed; status = 16, errno = 3

2014-03-18 02:13:30 Tunnelblick[757] pthread_mutex_trylock( &cleanupMutex ) failed is normal and expected when Tunnelblick is updated

2014-03-18 02:13:30 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: shutDownTunnelblick: Cleanup already being done.

2014-03-18 02:13:30 Tunnelblick[757] Finished shutting down Tunnelblick; allowing termination

2014-03-18 02:13:30 Tunnelblick[757] DEBUG: applicationWillTerminate: invoked

2014-03-18 02:13:31 Tunnelblick[810] Tunnelblick needs to:

                                         • Change ownership and permissions of the program to secure it

2014-03-18 02:13:34 Tunnelblick[810] Beginning installation or repair

2014-03-18 02:13:34 authexec[821] executing /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/installer

2014-03-18 02:13:34 Tunnelblick[810] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:

                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2014-03-18 02:13:34. 1 arguments: 0x0005

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/atsystemstart

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/installer

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/leasewatch

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/leasewatch3

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/process-network-changes

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/standardize-scutil-output

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.route-pre-down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.1.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.1.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.2.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.2.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.3.up.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/client.3.down.tunnelblick.sh

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/openvpn/openvpn-2.2.1/openvpn-down-root.so

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 744 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/openvpn/openvpn-2.3.2/openvpn-down-root.so

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 4555 on /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/openvpnstart

2014-03-18 02:13:34 Tunnelblick[810] Set program update feedURL to https://www.tunnelblick.net/appcast-b.rss

2014-03-18 02:13:40 Tunnelblick[810] DEBUG: Updater: systemVersion 10.9.2 satisfies minimumSystemVersion 10.4.0

2014-03-18 02:13:40 Tunnelblick[810] DEBUG: Updater: systemVersion 10.9.2 satisfies minimumSystemVersion 10.4.0

2014-03-18 02:14:40 Tunnelblick[810] Configuration installer: CR characters are being removed or replaced with LF characters in the installed copy of /Users/jsmith/Desktop/Europe.tblk/AirVPN_Europe_UDP-443.ovpn

2014-03-18 02:15:41 Tunnelblick[810] Beginning installation or repair

2014-03-18 02:15:41 authexec[844] executing /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/installer

2014-03-18 02:15:41 Tunnelblick[810] Installation or repair succeeded; Log:

                                       Tunnelblick installer started 2014-03-18 02:15:41. 3 arguments: 0x0001 /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/Europe.tblk /private/var/folders/98/hm7jy65j1rd4hh1s4wk1gn940000gn/T/TunnelblickTemporaryDotTblk-nAYWVs/Europe.tblk

                                       Copied /private/var/folders/98/hm7jy65j1rd4hh1s4wk1gn940000gn/T/TunnelblickTemporaryDotTblk-nAYWVs/Europe.tblk to /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/Europe.tblk.temp

                                       Copied /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/Europe.tblk.temp to /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/Europe.tblk

                                       Changed ownership of /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/Europe.tblk and its contents from 501:20 to 501:80

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 750 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/Europe.tblk

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 750 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/Europe.tblk/Contents

                                       Changed permissions from 755 to 750 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/Europe.tblk/Contents/Resources

                                       Changed permissions from 644 to 640 on /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/Europe.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn

                                       Copied /Users/jsmith/Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Configurations/Europe.tblk to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/jsmith/Europe.tblk.temp

                                       Copied /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/jsmith/Europe.tblk.temp to /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/jsmith/Europe.tblk

                                       Changed ownership of /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/jsmith/Europe.tblk and its contents from 501:80 to 0:0

                                       Changed permissions from 640 to 600 on /Library/Application Support/Tunnelblick/Users/jsmith/Europe.tblk/Contents/Resources/config.ovpn

                                       Created secure (shadow) copy of Europe.tblk

2014-03-18 02:16:26 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 02:16:26 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:16:26 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:16:26 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 02:16:27 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 02:16:27 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:16:27 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:16:27 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 02:16:28 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 02:16:28 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:16:28 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:16:28 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 02:16:29 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 02:16:29 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:16:29 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:16:29 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.

2014-03-18 02:16:31 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun start failed (result 0x5).

2014-03-18 02:16:31 kernel[0] Kext net.tunnelblick.tun failed to load (0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:16:31 kernel[0] Failed to load kext net.tunnelblick.tun (error 0xdc008017).

2014-03-18 02:16:31 com.apple.kextd[12] Failed to load /Applications/Tunnelblick.app/Contents/Resources/tun-signed.kext - (libkern/kext) kext (kmod) start/stop routine failed.






Can somebody help me with this??? I am wondering if this is a NEW ISSUE WITH MAVERICKS???





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