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Strange test results (added test #2 & 3)

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- my plan is 100 mbit. Using several connections I generally  get 9-10.5+ MByte

- i don't have any router. the cable is plugged in directly into my motherboard ethernet slot

- my ISP doesn't shape any traffic(p2p etc) At least not that I know of and there have been no indication of this or complaints on forums.

- My PC 3770k, 16Gb RAM)

I got some strange results when I was testing vpn speed and I would be interested in your opinion on what you see;)

1.8 Gbyte file from a paysite, multiple connections allowed.

Non-VPN, tcp:
1 connection: 1.7-2 Mbyte
8 connections: ~11 Mbyte (my plan's limit)

VPN (Keid) udp 443
1 connection: ~1 MByte
8 connections: ~2-3.7 Mbyte , speed is VERY erratic

VPN (Keid) SSH 80
1 connection: ~ 2.8-3 Mbyte
8 connections: ~3,5 Mbyte  the speed is somewhat stable, actually for quite a while it keeps like this (3.50, 3.52, 3.55, 3.59, 3.51 etc)

VPN (Keid) SSL tunnel
1 connection: ~ 2.9 Mbyte
8 connections: ~3,5 Mbyte  the speed is very table , in fact it looks as if it was soft-capped

(3.50, 3.51,3.55, 3.56,. 3.52 etc), same with just 4 conenctions which is not surprising considering I get 2.9 Mbyte just using one conenction

For some reason udp port 53 is practically  unusable  - ~ 60-100 Kbyte speed on any server

~4Mbyte is a pretty good result for the money,  however I am somewhat confused about the results above.


Any ideas?



PS added test #2 https://airvpn.org/topic/12020-strange-test-results-added-test-2/?do=findComment&comment=19419

and test 3 down below

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All of your results suggest that everything is reasonably fine, except for port 53 UDP, where there's some problem (maybe traffic shaping to prevent DNS exploits). The fact that in TCP and even with a tunnel inside another tunnel (OpenVPN over SSL/SSH) you get the same performance than in UDP might suggest that UDP is shaped. Data also weakly suggest that there might be an unconditional cap set around 28 Mbit/s (3.5 MB/s) on anything different than some white listed protocol.


Kind regards

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Hey, thanx for a quick reply.

Is there a way to check if  UDP is getitng shaped? It's just that I can download from Usenet (port 119\443\80 etc) at max speed and, for instance,  when downloading tottents it is also all  fine..

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I decided to disable windows firefall just in case, you know and, guess what,  now I'm getting from 7 to 8+ Mbyte download speed ( Erakis UDP port 80)!



I guess I screwed something up there and since I don't feel like looking for a needle in a haystack   I just disabled it and installed comodo firewall and it all works like a charm now.



So, I gues the "problem" is resolved.


PS LOL Now the speed has dropped significantly again.. oh well.I suspect that the speed I saw  was due to "leaks" because once it was `11Mbyte which is ridiculous. My Non VPN max spoeed is 11Mbyte max.

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And what should I choose to test from the list? My torrents work fine, full speed, usenet works fine, http works fine,



PS Here is another test..


11:15 P.m GMT

Mint 32 bit distro, ICM - University of Warsaw mirror


Non-VPN  speed: ~11MB

8 connections

Netherlands 1000mbit server (the least loaded server at that moment, Taygeta)

TCP 443: ~700-800KB

udp 80: ~1.3-1.8 MB

SSH 80 : ~4.2 MB
ssl tunnel: ~4MB

XXXXX VPN provider
8 connections

Netherlands server:

TCP 443:  4.5- 5.6 MB
udp 8080 (there was no 80 port available) ~5-6.5+MB

There is really something wrong here...especially in regard to TCP protocol .I absolutely love airvpn client. There is nothing like it, literally. So many options,settings from simple to advanced, easily configured routes, transparency server load wise and whatnot.. And I see that air has lots

of 1Gbit servers that are btw mostly not loaded at all However, the AIR speed is killing  me.. I think it is safe to assume that in my case it is  not ISP's shaping problem or whatever.

Is there anything that can be done? What do I need to look into?

Maybe you could check something on your side?


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Guys, here is Test 3 ( 16 connections)


16 connections, 3 Gb file from a paysite

Non-VPN ~11Mbyte


Lyncis, Netherlands(1% load)

UDP 80  ~ 1.6-2Mbyte

TCP 443 ~650 Kbyte

SSl tunnel ~3.6MByte

**VPN provider

Netherlands server

UDP, port 8080 ~8-9 MByte
TCP port 443  ~ 4.2 Mbyte

Germany( just to check out UDP speed)

UDP port 8080 ~8-9 Mbyte


Take a look at my speed over UDP protocol from the second provider.  . I tried different AIR servers, different ports, it just doesn't help. Has anyone else  experienced this problem ?



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Subscribe. I'm having the same issue. Your posts were helpful they allowed me to test my settings further however I'm still unable to Dowload faster than 1mb or seed faster than 50kb

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