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Verify SSL Tunnel Is Working

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I am fairly new to VPN's (been using AirVPN for about 6 months now). So far my experience has only been using the AirVPN client to connect directly to port 443 udp and so far this has worked great. I decided to try to learn a bit more and use the SSL tunnel connection method via the Eddie 2.3 beta client. It seems to be working correctly as my connection is good and I see the additional stunnel process running. Observing my connections , I still see the openvpn process running and it is only connected locally on my PC. The stunnel process is connected to an AirVPN server. Is this enough to verify that my SSL tunnel is set up and working correctly as it should? Is there another better, more reliable way to verify the SSL tunnel connection other than what I have already looked at? Thanks for any input as I am new to this type of setup and am learning as I want to be sure I have done everything properly...

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Yes, from your description everything is fine. OpenVPN connects to stunnel, which listens on (localhost):1413, that's why you see correctly that OpenVPN is connected locally.


For an ultimate proof, browse to airvpn.org (with a browser not configured to connect to any proxy) and make sure that the central bottom box is green.


Kind regards

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I am having trouble connecting using the SSL feature i use the air/comodo firewall rules recommended on this site. It is a problem with localhost being used by something else (firefox) maybe but when i stop this and even delete it from firewall still no joy. If i turn off the firewall completely it connects.I have the same problem using openvpn instead of air client.I am unsure what else could be using localhost.Hmm.Any ideas anyone?


i use windows 8.1.



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