jsmith4793 0 Posted ... I have apache running on the same system I use AirVPN on. Assume that I am connected to the Electra server ( and have port 44444 forwarded. Is it possible to have an HTTP request forwarded so that it reaches my system? In other words, would something like : display the index.html file on my system? If not, how do I do it? Is it possible? Quote Share this post Link to post
Staff 10082 Posted ... Hello! Yes it's possible, AirVPN fully supports remote port forwarding. Log in our web site with your account (the same account that you use to connect to the VPN servers), click "Client Area" from the upper menu, click "Forwarded ports" from the left tabs. Forward a random port and configure Apache to listen to that port. Alternatively, forward a random port and remap it to the local port Apache listens to (for example 80). You can also use our DDNS service, it will help your site to be more easily reachable. Web sites behind our servers must of course be compliant to our Terms of Service. Remote port forwarding references: https://airvpn.org/topic/9161-you-provide-remote-port-forwarding-what-is-it DDNS references: https://airvpn.org/faq/ddns Kind regards Quote Share this post Link to post