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Hello all,


I am trying to find a way to make my home server (https, ftp, ...) accessible through the internet, while being connected to AirVPN.


The OpenVPN client on my DD-WRT router is properly configured and connects fine. All the computers behind the router are available to browse the web and show the correct AirVPN IP adress. The server stays accessible from inside the private network .


My problem is that I can't seem to find a way to make the server accessible from the internet, through my AirVPN WAN IP.

For example, I have created a port forward on the AirVPN site from port 14645 to 443. My router is set to forward port 443 to the server's private IP, but this configuration doesn't work...


Can somebody tell me how to properly setup port forwarding so that I can access my server through my AirVPN public IP ?



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Hi, thanks for your quick response.

I forwarded the port to the web server private IP address in the DD-WRT Nat settings page.


Do I have to add the iptables rules mentioned in the post you linked as well ? In  that case do I leave the forward rules on in the DD-WRT Nat settings, or should I remove them ?


And also I am guessing I have to add these 4 iptables rules for each port I need to redirect (6 or 7 = 24-28 lines) ?

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Hi, thanks for your quick response.

I forwarded the port to the web server private IP address in the DD-WRT Nat settings page.


Do I have to add the iptables rules mentioned in the post you linked as well ? In  that case do I leave the forward rules on in the DD-WRT Nat settings, or should I remove them ?




yes, you need the iptables rules. The forwarded ports in the web interface settings should be deleted, in order to avoid to expose your system to correlation attacks. You need them only when you want to forward ports when the router OpenVPN client is not running.


And also I am guessing I have to add these 4 iptables rules for each port I need to redirect (6 or 7 = 24-28 lines) ?


Assuming that you need to forward both UDP and TCP, that's correct.


Kind regards

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Thanks a lot for your help.

Turns out there is a --dports directive for iptables which allows for multiple port adressing - and saving many lines

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